Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn that was just startin to take shape too. hope the healing's quick and the meds are good ;)

i'm still in awe at the size of it. we have houses smaller than that in the uk.

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Mo Are you bolting to the wall? You have no type of shear bracing. Without good bracing first wind will knock down the GH. Aloha


Well-Known Member
@DST - I am finally able to go out there and not see it as a killer.

@East - Once I tie everything to the side wall, it will not be going anywhere! :)

The Scott's OG I put outside has flowers already! Nice little OG puffs :)


Well-Known Member
2x8!!!! Fucking thing takes two people to lift! I don't know why it didn't kill me :P I was crouched down so it hit my neck, arm, and leg. Felt like I was hit in the neck with a baseball bat.

This is where I was working and the end that hit me:



Mo, it did not kill you because you need to grow more plants and with your help the planet will gain health. Have a nice day


Well-Known Member
Here is the aftermath:

so thats a big som bitch to fall on you. glad you werent seriously injured dude. had a buddy that was building an addition to his garage and had one of those long heavy fuckers do that and fall on his foot. he lost his big toe. i know call him stubs. he hates it. lol.


Well-Known Member
big toe is kinda crucial to balance so i hear. shame
its been a few years. you wouldnt even notice it if he was wearing shoes. he runs and still rides dirtbikes and stuff and never complains about it. altho he did complain one time when we were drinking becuz its hard for him to find a good comfy pair of shoes now. lol. so my smart ass asked him how he tested for the toes in the tips of the shoes. lmao. we give each other shit when we see one another. its kinda the base of our friendship i think.


Great thread Mohican! Sorry to hear about the ER and GH accident.

Between the Mulanje and Malawi and any other African sativa-dom, or landrace or IBL, which strain was your favorite?

And was there one that had a faster 'high' (no creeper effect), that was more creative or 'psychedelic' or paranoid? Any strains that caused appetite suppression rather than the standard muchies?

Thanks. GG

The Sativa plants were still going strong in December but the weather was too cold for them to thrive. They were going to get bigger and better if they would have had the chance. The pictures still make me happy :)

December Big Clone Malawi Flowers:

December WOG Malawi Flowers:

December Mainlined Mulanje Flowers:





Well-Known Member
Hey siouxme - both the Malawi and Mulanje had mouth numbing smoothe hits. I am not sure what a creeper is so I can't say. I usually feel the effects immediately. Maybe not fully at first, the paranoia definitely hits you hard in the next 10 minutes. No munchie effects - I actually lost weight because of the need to keep doing things :)

I still have not felt the trippy effects that I have only experienced with Kauai Electric back in 1980 on Kauai.

The dry ice hash I made with the Mr Goo was very motivational also and I was down to the lowest weight I hade been in 20 years.

Subcool's Vortex he gifted me at the LA Cup made me very forgetful.

I have misplaced my sample of Green Crack and Malawi Taffy so I will need to let you know later on those.



Well-Known Member
Hey siouxme - both the Malawi and Mulanje had mouth numbing smoothe hits. I am not sure what a creeper is so I can't say. I usually feel the effects immediately. Maybe not fully at first, the paranoia definitely hits you hard in the next 10 minutes. No munchie effects - I actually lost weight because of the need to keep doing things :)

I still have not felt the trippy effects that I have only experienced with Kauai Electric back in 1980 on Kauai.

The dry ice hash I made with the Mr Goo was very motivational also and I was down to the lowest weight I hade been in 20 years.

Subcool's Vortex he gifted me at the LA Cup made me very forgetful.

I have misplaced my sample of Green Crack and Malawi Taffy so I will need to let you know later on those.

That Malawi/Malunje made me super extra paranoid, every time I smoked it I convinced myself that cops were about to bust through the door, chop down my plants, and arrest me, lol.

Let me know if you ever want a Green Crack cut, if it's still around I can get it again.