Mohican's 2014 Season


Well-Known Member
lol trips cost money though, and I don't have much of that either :).

Yeah I'm still on disability for the next few months from my motorcycle accident. I need to get a physical therapist, and get back into rehab now that the Dr. finally cleared me to do it. Then get figure out what I'm gonna do for work. I'd really like to find something I can enjoy a little more then the work I did before.


Well-Known Member
I guess I need a job before I can take a vacation huh......hope you guys have fun!

Thanks TC. Havent had a vacation in years and I have a job... so not sure thats a factor It comes down to the choices we make and what the priorities are. Mine have all changed since wife and kids. :-) Not in a bad way...

Find work you like doing and its less like a job. Doesnt mean its always super great but it makes it less of pia at least... :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I am going to need a vacation after my vacation!

I am ready to tell all of these window fuks to take a walk and I will just rent a shaper and make some killer white oak windows myself.
Are you getting new windows. I have crank windows and I was looking at some new ones. I may have to come see yours when they are done. GT


Well-Known Member
Yea she really stacks nice! The one I didn't top looks like an outdoor grown plant...just one huge veggin cola along the main stalk. Both smell of orange skunk very heavy. The untopped is hitting the green house shortly.