Mohican's 2015 Season

Thanks for the complement! I am just a regular old grower. I am still figuring things out.

Have you seen the Weed Nerd show on youtube? Subcool puts his males and females in a room and waits for the males to be in full bloom and then turns on a fan! It is like a pollen bomb went off! I have only done small plants or colas on big plants. I have never done a whole big plant.

I remember my first pollination attempt. I had that giant Malawi Gold plant and I had a bunch of the Mozambique pollen. I got a tiny paintbrush like they use in children's water color paint kits and I carefully opened the zip bag of pollen and carefully applied a tiny bit of pollen to a few colas. I was so worried I was going to pollinate the whole tree. I ended up with like ten seeds! I was so mad!

The next time I had a big plant I went big and poured the Jilly Bean pollen inside a white 15 gallon kitchen trash bag and wrapped it around a whole three foot long cola of the Mulanje Gold. I shook the hell out of that branch and left the bag on for an hour. When I removed the bag I sprayed the whole bush down with water and waited. I got a thousand seeds easy off of that cola!

Moral of the story - It is much harder to pollinate a plant than you think!

Yeah I watched a subcool video once where he literally shook the hell out of a fully flowered male in either a huge tent or room and you couldn't see shit for 10 seconds....then he shook the hell out of it again and coughed a few times. Guaranteed he had to bag those clothes and shower before going anywhere near a regular flower room.

Yep, it is tougher than you think to pollinate, BUT you can still screw the pooch if you aren't careful. I'm betting there will be more presex calyxes pollinated than I intentionally messed with, strictly because the girls and boys were together, regardless of 24 hours of light. I had a lot of air circulation and flow going on, but hell, who gives a shit? I hope it hit every presex flower of the 18 different phenos I got lol.
Haha I love those videos of subcool doing pollinations. I would LOVE to be able to do that! He must have his exhaust filtered somehow to catch the pollen, or send it straight outdoors. But then his outdoor crop could be affected.

I seen a guy on hash church mention that he filtered his pollination tent through a reservoir full of water in a similar fashion to how a bong operates. A pretty interesting thought.

I have some pollen chucks planned right now. Lots of different strains going and I'm going to hit em all with C99 pollen. I'm tempted to just leave a couple males in the room the whole way through. I'd love to do the ol subcool shake over the whole tent. I'll probably end up just isolating a lady or two from each strain and dust em with pollen in a separate room though. At least this time I can be a little less careful as I'm only going to be working with pollen from 1 strain.
Also more Mojos OG x Love Jill pics to come later! Just waiting for the lights to turn on. Trying out the 11/13 cycle upon Mo's recommendation.

The 3 that were sowed a few days before the ones I had posted earlier are looking fantastic so far! It's amazing the difference 3 days can make at this early stage of life. Quite a bit bigger.
I've seen a video where Franco the strain hunter from green house seeds. Just clapped his hands together with the male plant between his hands and pollen went everywhere.

I took stills from his insta. Franco_strainhunter. I couldn't upload The video here




The few times I've breed strains. I just shook the plant. 1 other time I placed the male in the center. Placed all the females in a circle and then nature took its course let the plants do their own thing. Then I killed the male after it pollinated everything. That was the easiest way to go.

This will be the first time I've collected pollen. The males I have outside now are marrionberry kush, dog trap, and gut buster.

Then breeding at a friend's with

kona susnet f2 male x
Mt. rainier
Pre 98 bubba
Quantum kush
Jamaican landrace
Dark side of the moon
Mint chocolate chip
Dog trap

I have 1 seed of kona going now. It's my last seed. I hope it's a female. Then I'll make f3's down the line.
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here's some dudes from back in April :D

I think I let them get a little too ripe. The slightest tap of the branches and POOF! pollen everywhere. probably enough pollen in there to make a million seeds.

haha you can see my workbag hanging in the closet there.




I've got about 70 C99 going right now so I should definitely be able to find some nice male specimens in the bunch.

Going to cross it to pretty much everything I have going along side, with exception to the Bodhi testers to respect his wishes.