Right on Mohican. It was super cool to have you and the Mrs. come by. I'm sure you'll have more time to play on your next visit and I'll have the garden more decked out too with an even more of a variety of flowers. Do you have an idea when you might be coming back? We can get supah blazed and go chase down some boar with nothing but knives, spears and loin clothes, ha ha ha, just kidding.... unless you want to and then it's on like Donkey Kong, ha ha haThank you to @rikdabrick for showing me and Mrs Mo his amazing garden. It was so nice to smell all of the killer flowers he has - cured and fresh. I wish I could have spent more time there enjoying the garden and getting medicated.
I did manage to get some (about 20) Fukushima Redondo Red Hot Dogs (Fook Dogs) while I was there. Took me back to when I was a kid and my Father took me there
I gained at least ten pounds on the trip!
Good luck on the new job prospectsNo idea how soon we will be back. Could be as soon as Christmas.
Something about eating well on Maui always makes my body work so much better. I think it is all of the non-gmo food and fresh fish! We ate at Tasty Crust on Sunday morning before heading to the airport. It was so good! The airplane food made me gag.
We went shopping yesterday to get fresh food and nothing looked healthy. We ended up at Mother's market and bought some beautiful fruits and veggies.
I am glad I didn't bring anything back with me. They went through everything in our bags! They took things apart and opened packages. It was the most thorough search I have ever experienced. Apparently they were expecting me to try and bring something home. Makes me wonder...
I have a few job interviews today and a new writing contract. Things are looking up
Now I just need to figure out a way to get Fuk Dogs shipped here every day!