Hell yea! I hope she enjoys her self!One of the eight Rebar clones didn't make it. The remaining seven look healthy and two of those are starting to take off! I am glad I was able to keep her going. She is special to me.
I finally got enough time and remembered to spray BT at sundown. One sprayer full was just the right amount for all of the plants and surrounding garden. It was a perfect night for it. Tomorrow there will be bunches of half dead caterpillars hanging from my plants.
Started trimming the Akki. I can't believe how airy it is after how dense it was fresh. The nuggets still clank when they hit the pan though. I set the two best buds aside for Mrs Mo. Those two buds filled a spaghetti sauce jar.
She was so impressed with the smell of Akki #1 that she said she wanted to try it! She has not medicated with me since the '80s!
I need to process the pics I took today. Later!
I am so wigging out right now. My baby girl is spending her second night at the hospital for a gnarly fever they can't get to go away.
I have had 10 hours of sleep all week. Finally got a good nap and now I hear she is doing better but not out of the woods.
Here are a few more fkn pillars:
Yea that's true. Our,favorite strains go quick! I have had the judgemental gfs before and that's rough. Hell even my smoking gf still has freak outs and paranoid. Such is life.I will pull it apart and take look. Figured an operational test first to see if I could repeat the issue. Interesting about the difference in wattage. May be loose connection!
Payne. Good and bad w having a significant other who also partakes. Lol. For sure helps chill both or us out! But my jars dwindle quick. Lol