Mohican's 2015 Season

We made them let us take her home today. It was getting ridiculous. It was a kidney infection and the IV antibiotics seemed to have knocked it out. She has some pills to follow up with.

I wasn't going to have them charge my insurance 5K a day to have my wife do all of the work and have them forget to give my daughter her tylenol!

Thanks for all of the well wishes - It really helped.

This Animal Cookies is from the Sacramento After Harvest BBQ. I think it is Cookies and Alien. The frost is freaking beautiful but she really wanted to get PM on me. Very tight leaves after the reveg didn't help but the 90+ degree weather and dry mornings have helped immensely.

I will go out and try to reproduce in photographs what I see with my eyes.

Cheers and thank you,
One of the eight Rebar clones didn't make it. The remaining seven look healthy and two of those are starting to take off! I am glad I was able to keep her going. She is special to me.

I finally got enough time and remembered to spray BT at sundown. One sprayer full was just the right amount for all of the plants and surrounding garden. It was a perfect night for it. Tomorrow there will be bunches of half dead caterpillars hanging from my plants.

Started trimming the Akki. I can't believe how airy it is after how dense it was fresh. The nuggets still clank when they hit the pan though. I set the two best buds aside for Mrs Mo. Those two buds filled a spaghetti sauce jar.

She was so impressed with the smell of Akki #1 that she said she wanted to try it! She has not medicated with me since the '80s!

I need to process the pics I took today. Later!

One of the eight Rebar clones didn't make it. The remaining seven look healthy and two of those are starting to take off! I am glad I was able to keep her going. She is special to me.

I finally got enough time and remembered to spray BT at sundown. One sprayer full was just the right amount for all of the plants and surrounding garden. It was a perfect night for it. Tomorrow there will be bunches of half dead caterpillars hanging from my plants.

Started trimming the Akki. I can't believe how airy it is after how dense it was fresh. The nuggets still clank when they hit the pan though. I set the two best buds aside for Mrs Mo. Those two buds filled a spaghetti sauce jar.

She was so impressed with the smell of Akki #1 that she said she wanted to try it! She has not medicated with me since the '80s!

I need to process the pics I took today. Later!

Hell yea! I hope she enjoys her self!

I finally ran that kessil 350 for the whole night. It seems to run just fine. At least so far. I checked this morning and all was good. Not sure what went.wrong for you.???

FYI. The red one pulls 30w at the wall. The magenta pulls 37w at the wall.
It was working again before I sent it home with you. I think it shut down after a while of use. Not sure what is wrong. Heat sink is loose maybe? I thought you could take it apart and see what you can see.

It is an H150 model. The H350 models are the big white bodied lights and they pull 90 watts. Interesting that the magenta pulls 37 watts. I wonder if there is a slight short somewhere or does it just use more power?
After BT Spray Morning Report

OMG - I just saw the weirdest big ass caterpillar on my sad struggling lemon bush. Now I know why it was struggling! The caterpillar was as big as my thumb and was white and chalky. He was just sitting there at the end of a branch not moving. He didn't struggle when I grabbed him.

The medicine plants all had caterpillars hanging on leaves and they were also lethargic. Grabbed them all. Saw one tiny budworm on MysteryDirt #1 - now I know why its buds are so messed up.

I love BT! Why did I wait so long to use it? Oh that's right - it makes my plants smell like burning plastic o_O

yea, I been using BT every other week the whole time...I have yet to see a worm on the ladies. Leafminers, and some mite damage for sure, and those damn cucumber beetles. but no worms knock on wood.

Glad to hear of the misses enjoying. My current GF is the only woman I have ever been with that appreciated the ganja. Definitely makes some nice evenings.

All the plants are looking nice man! the fireballs looks pretty heavy, how close you think that is to chop? I can see why you like the rebar, looks solid and dank!

Stay free, stay high

I will pull it apart and take look. Figured an operational test first to see if I could repeat the issue. Interesting about the difference in wattage. May be loose connection!

Payne. Good and bad w having a significant other who also partakes. Lol. For sure helps chill both or us out! But my jars dwindle quick. Lol
I am so wigging out right now. My baby girl is spending her second night at the hospital for a gnarly fever they can't get to go away.

I have had 10 hours of sleep all week. Finally got a good nap and now I hear she is doing better but not out of the woods.

Here are a few more fkn pillars:


wow man hope your baby feels better ..:(
spinosad is approved up to day of harvest (not that its needed that late ) numerous studies show it wipes out catapillers and decomposes in the UV of the sun rapidly ...FYI
edit just saw you used BT ... thats fine too :)
I will pull it apart and take look. Figured an operational test first to see if I could repeat the issue. Interesting about the difference in wattage. May be loose connection!

Payne. Good and bad w having a significant other who also partakes. Lol. For sure helps chill both or us out! But my jars dwindle quick. Lol
Yea that's true. Our,favorite strains go quick! I have had the judgemental gfs before and that's rough. Hell even my smoking gf still has freak outs and paranoid. Such is life.
As long as I'm chill my wife is. But I do have a day job and this is really just a hobby for me. One that happens to save me $$ and produces my own meds it turns out. :-). Win win.

I've never even bothered with girls that gave me hell for weed so I don't even relate with tolerating daily chastisement... Lol. My dad is judgemental enough, I would hate it at home coming from my wife..
My wife was against cannabis when we first met. But after explaining to her how it helps me she changed her mind and has been using it everyday since.