Moisture Meters


Active Member
Can someone recommend a good moisture meter. I see a lot on e-bay and they are combined with light meters and such which I am not opposed to purchasing (I will just have to learn to use it correctly) but I don't want to buy a piece of sh*^ if you know what I mean. I figure with all of the talent on this site someone will be able to recommend something (brand name specific please) that I can pick up and read up on that would help me immensely. Thanks guys....


Active Member
if you're talking about those things you put in the soil to see if you need to water theyre useless. the only check the area around the needle thing and dont go all the way to the bottom. you'll know when to water your plants and if you dont it wont take long to learn. a light meter is a cool thing to have gives you a good idea of how your light spreads


Active Member
if you're talking about those things you put in the soil to see if you need to water theyre useless. the only check the area around the needle thing and dont go all the way to the bottom. you'll know when to water your plants and if you dont it wont take long to learn. a light meter is a cool thing to have gives you a good idea of how your light spreads
Actually, I do want to learn, I simply find the subject difficult. I know this can be a 'killer' if done incorrectly. I merely want to do this as the best way it can be done. For me it is not a matter of making money because I don't expect to sell anything. It is more a matter of pain control for myself and if I would be better off purchasing a 'light meter' I don't have a problem with that, I just don't know which one would do the job. Also, I understand that some come with multiple jobs or that they can do more than one thing such as measure the light, measure the moisture and probably a few other things that are currently over my head, but I will learn. Can you help me?


Active Member
yea the other things you're talking about is probaly the soil ph usually comes attached to the moister meter. you dont need that man. all you need is a ph tester to check your water. you'll know when the plants need water by how light the pot gets and if you check them everyday you'll see the leaves start to droop, thats your sign they need water. after you get some experience you'll be able to water right before they start drooping cause you'll know exactly when they need it.