Moisture Stress??


Well-Known Member
I have a sick plant on my hands. I was battling fungas gnats and sprayed with insectisidal soap. So I was wondering is this could be the issue. However, also fell that it may be moisture stress from what I've read. The leaves feel dry to the touch (not at all like my healthy outdoor plant). They are curling in a claw like form... Here is tonight's pic. I have doing nothing tonight. Simply checked in and wiped the tears from my eyes. Do not want to over analysis as that's what's gotten me here.
The first pic is the same plant 2 weeks ago. Vegging under t5 HO lights.



Well-Known Member
The fungus gnats maggots are in your soil feeding off anything organic including your roots.
If there still around your going to need to flush the soil with some thing to get rid of the fungus gnat maggots. or get some nematodes they'll eat the maggots. or keep your soil dry or put a layer of perlite about 1-2" thick on top the soil. The gnats don't like to crawl on it.

You have a Calcium def, and a Magnesium Def. and your

Your watering way to much. Marijuana is a Semi-Arid plant it's almost a desert plant it doesn't need much water.
Let your plant dry out some, and then fix your Def.

Good Luck on your Grow.


Well-Known Member
Don't be so quick to try to fix any deficiencies. Overwatering alone makes it difficult for the plant to uptake nutrients. Let that thing dry out a little and I suspect it'll perk up.

Personally, I'd prune or train that plant up off the pot a little to get some airflow under there. That'll help with the gnat problem and allow your soil to dry out a little quicker.


Well-Known Member
You really shouldn't spray your plants to attack fungus gnats, as they live on and in your soil. They are not going to hurt your plant from above. I use stickey traps for the adults, and Gnatrol for the larvae that will be eating your roots. This program works wonders to get rid of the little bastards. Peace


Well-Known Member
4weeks in.JPGsunnying.JPGThanks guys... I have sticky strips up and you are right about not dealing with the deficiencies until I have this other issue rectified. Every time I have used something for a deficiency I make things worse. Maybe a pH issue and locking out. So I have left them without watering since Sunday. I had flushed the soil with a mix of peroxide and water. Sprayed the soil with the soap. This is when things went south. They are looking better, but not nearly as good as they were. I also used Cinnamon and sprinkled that on the soil and wiped the pots as apparently fungas gnats HATE it. There are very few flies left and I have purchased perilite.
Funny thing is my outside plant is thriving and I have literally done next to nothing other than water and put her in a larger pot. Dragging her inside at night because it's cold and putting her back out in the morning.