Molasses - didn´t do ANYTHING for me.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Seeds from the same offspring will exhibit different traits even in a controlled test. Clones should have been used.

Maybe this test goes to tell us that molasses may not be as great for some as it is for others?

A first timer possibly under feeding, may show better results using the molasses as it increases macro nutrients, micro nutrients, carbs etc. On the other hand, an experienced grower already covering all angles of a successful grow may not find molasses to be as useful. It could be the food and soil chosen by one man are providing these nutrients where in a completely different situation are lacking.

that's a pretty logical theory. last grow the plant i didn't give molasses to just happened to be a cut below the others. however all the plants (same strain from seed) came out different except 2 which were still not exactly the same, so i really proved nothing. i don't have separate space to clone yet to run decent side by sides so i'm just going to keep giving molasses in the meantime. no one's proven it's harmful and it's not much cost or bother for me. once the weather gets consistantly cooler i will be able to use my new "tent thing" i made and i'll have all sorts of shit to try.


Well-Known Member
^Nah, it's definitely not harmful, not at all. Actually, I might start using it again(at least on some of my plants), as a 'safety net' of sorts, filling out any micro-deficiencies that I might've missed. After I read an article stating that molasses is loaded with essential nutes that have been stripped from topsoil, by rainwater, then carried deep down to where the sugar cane roots absorb them, then retained in the molasses,...I was convinced that it's certainly a good thing. And, the sugars are an extra benefit. It's good stuff, for sure, but unnecessary if you've already been providing everything your plant needs, prior to adding it, IMO. That's my theory, anyway. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
^Nah, it's definitely not harmful, not at all. Actually, I might start using it again(at least on some of my plants), as a 'safety net' of sorts, filling out any micro-deficiencies that I might've missed. After I read an article stating that molasses is loaded with essential nutes that have been stripped from topsoil, by rainwater, then carried deep down to where the sugar cane roots absorb them, then retained in the molasses,...I was convinced that it's certainly a good thing. And, the sugars are an extra benefit. It's good stuff, for sure, but unnecessary if you've already been providing everything your plant needs, prior to adding it, IMO. That's my theory, anyway. :bigjoint:
Too much molasses is harmful. If you put too much carbohydrate into the soil, you will stimulate bacteria and fungal growth so much that the soil becomes anaerobic. This is because many bacteria and all fungi require oxygen. Too much soil microbial respiration and the soil oxygen levels are too low for the roots, which is not good for the plant.


Active Member
Because the Medical Growers Bible knows all people. Do everything this book tells you..
I thank you for your input, but that right there is photographic evidence and the rest of the shit here is anecdotal, I'm not sure which one you'd prefer to trust but i'd prefer something published over a greasy internet nerd.


Well-Known Member
I thank you for your input, but that right there is photographic evidence and the rest of the shit here is anecdotal, I'm not sure which one you'd prefer to trust but i'd prefer something published over a greasy internet nerd.
I've read the Medical Bible (in fact I have my copy right here). Unfortunately it doesn't say how those "experiments" were conducted. What methods were used, what nutrients, how many plants, clones or seed, etc. My point is that we know absolutely nothing about the grower who grew those buds. We have no idea if his experiment was scientific, did he use a control group, were all plants placed equal distance from the light. It's just a couple of pics and a claim. I can throw up some pics and make a claim, doesn't make it true.;-)


Well-Known Member
I thank you for your input, but that right there is photographic evidence and the rest of the shit here is anecdotal, I'm not sure which one you'd prefer to trust but i'd prefer something published over a greasy internet nerd.

Can you blame him? Only a fool would believe something, based on one piece of evidence. I'm not saying that it isn't the truth, I just saying that nothing should be accepted as truth, until the info has been proven/reinforced, many times over.


Well-Known Member
Too much molasses is harmful. If you put too much carbohydrate into the soil, you will stimulate bacteria and fungal growth so much that the soil becomes anaerobic. This is because many bacteria and all fungi require oxygen. Too much soil microbial respiration and the soil oxygen levels are too low for the roots, which is not good for the plant.

Um,....sorry, but I can't let that one Too much of anything, is harmful. That's common sense. :razz:

Not that I don't appreciate you explaining the negative effects, that was a good piece of info.


Misguided Angel
I could post a pic with two buds saying the bigger one is from not using molasses and that would make it true because it's photographic evidence? I think we are starting to beat this thread to death guys.


Well-Known Member
I could post a pic with two buds saying the bigger one is from not using molasses and that would make it true because it's photographic evidence? I think we are starting to beat this thread to death guys.
But I would have to be an idiot to take your word for it. Wait, I'm going to go and take a pic of a big bud and a little bud and make the claim that peanut butter made the one bigger.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Um,....sorry, but I can't let that one Too much of anything, is harmful. That's common sense. :razz:

Not that I don't appreciate you explaining the negative effects, that was a good piece of info.
Um, sorry, maybe you should have worded this a little better:

^Nah, it's definitely not harmful, not at all.


Well-Known Member
Um, sorry, maybe you should have worded this a little better:

Um,...yeah, I was clarifying, because it was apparent that you were attempting to make me look stupid. Any idiot would know that you can overdo it, which is why I didn't warn against it, in the first place. Grr.... :razz:


Well-Known Member
Um,...yeah, I was clarifying, because it was apparent that you were attempting to make me look stupid. Any idiot would know that you can overdo it, which is why I didn't warn against it, in the first place. Grr.... :razz:
Actually, I was trying to make everyone look stupid for using molasses ;). Molasses feeds the soil, how much carbohydrate do the microbes actually need? Who came up with the dosing anyways? We all know there are trace amounts of minerals in it, how much exactly? From my experience and a few others, apparently not enough to make squat worth of difference. When I was part of overgrow, I do not recall any hoopla about molasses.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I was trying to make everyone look stupid for using molasses ;). Molasses feeds the soil, how much carbohydrate do the microbes actually need? Who came up with the dosing anyways? We all know there are trace amounts of minerals in it, how much exactly? From my experience and a few others, apparently not enough to make squat worth of difference. When I was part of overgrow, I do not recall any hoopla about molasses.
You can thank Jorge Cervantes for that one evidently.:roll:


Well-Known Member
I use sugars, they increase my plants vigor and yield... That is just me... I use Bud Candy twice and humboldt honey once during a 8-9 week flower period... It works for me so I'll take


Well-Known Member
Personally I believe we have all been trolled. Look how you all are treating each other.

All this thread has accomplished is confuse the issue of yet another topic about Marijuana. My best advice is, if you are producing Marijuana that is better than what you can get in your tiny little area...your goal is accomplished.


Well-Known Member
While sugars do benefit microbes in the soil, the idea that they'll in-turn give you a bumper crop is total bollocks. I ran some molasses in my garden this summer with my jalepenos and tomatoes (2 plants of each veggie, half were treated). I had the same results as spanish.
Thanks for your positive comment, homebrewer. +rep


Well-Known Member
Personally I believe we have all been trolled. Look how you all are treating each other.

All this thread has accomplished is confuse the issue of yet another topic about Marijuana. My best advice is, if you are producing Marijuana that is better than what you can get in your tiny little area...your goal is accomplished.
I do not think anyone has been trolled - and hope you are not accusing me of being such a creature, Kul.

Confuse the issue of yet another topic? I always thought adding sugar to soil wouldn´t achieve anything, but as so many people SWEAR that their buds grow ENORMOUSLY I had to give it a fair try to satisfy my own curiosity and interest.

The plants used were my grow this year, White Widow feminised from Seedsman. Two were given molasses twice a week, 1 tbsp to a gallon. The third just plain water. All plants received additionally BioCanabium floracion. One could say that the sample is small, could possibly show that it is not statistically significant.

But I am now convinced for myself that molasses achieves nothing whatever, and I will not waste any more time and money on its use. Just another bit of BS that circulates in the MJ growing fraternity, IMHO. Anyone else can obviously carry on using it if they want - their choice.

But I still have two tins of the stuff to somehow get rid of - I think Mrs Fly needs a couple of spoonfuls for her Xmas cake. Now there I can see it definitely has a positive effect !!!