Molasses during veg?


Well-Known Member
Wado is right. Organic chemistry and organic gardening are two different things. In organic chemistry, the focus is on the element carbon. Carbon is central to all living organisms; however, thousands of nonliving things (such as drugs, plastics, and dyes) are made from carbon compounds.

You wouldn't use hydrocarbons in organic gardening, but they are organic compounds.



Well-Known Member
Dont listen to those guys man . U can use molassas during veg . Its primary function is to feed the microlife in the soil its beneficial at all stages of growth. I mean really why do people think microlife only needs feeding during flowering? duh ! Yes it does pump ur buds up during flowering but that is a secondary function . primary function is to make nutrient uptake better so why not use it during veg bigger plant more foilage equals more buds ! I<d go with 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water then after your second week of flowering pump it up to 2 tablespoons . If what someone is telling you seems whack check there profile and see what kind of dumbass shit they are asking about then they try to give other people advice ? get the fuck outa here mindless idiots !


Well-Known Member
People are so funny here. My dick is bigger (slightly) than your moms. Nuh uh!! Yessah!! Nuh Uh!!! Yessah!!!


Active Member
Dont listen to those guys man . U can use molassas during veg . Its primary function is to feed the microlife in the soil its beneficial at all stages of growth. I mean really why do people think microlife only needs feeding during flowering? duh ! Yes it does pump ur buds up during flowering but that is a secondary function . primary function is to make nutrient uptake better so why not use it during veg bigger plant more foilage equals more buds ! I<d go with 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water then after your second week of flowering pump it up to 2 tablespoons . If what someone is telling you seems whack check there profile and see what kind of dumbass shit they are asking about then they try to give other people advice ? get the fuck outa here mindless idiots !
Seriously, we had already discussed that on the first page I think. We were past that and debating on the merits of hydrogen peroxide over molasses. No need for the name calling.

I invite you, or anyone else reading this thread, to search my posts and call me out if you think I'm giving bad advice.


It is usless for veg. That guy that said it helps with microbes or whatever will most likely argue but peroxide will do that for a very small percentage of cost. Molasses is to up the glucose intake during flower to plump the buds.
Peroxide shouldn't even be used unless you're cleaning out your system or solving an issue with non-beneficial stuff. He's talking about periodically providing fuel for beneficial micro-life...two completely different goals

slow down and read before you start ridiculing people
Wow this is an old thread. But just in case anyone checks this thread to see if other people recommend feeding plants grown in SOIL molasses during the veg phase, I agree with King of Queen and others - YES it does help. As he and others stated, it feeds the microbes in the soil which helps the plants uptake nutrients, amongst other benefits. I believe that feeding the plants hydrogen peroxide may also help the microbes flourish- since hydrogen peroxide will provide them with extra oxygen, but it certainly won't FEED them. They do not eat oxygen... they eat carbs, which is what molasses basically is. Furthermore, molasses (At least blackstrap molasses) contains calcium, iron, selenium, copper, magnesium and amino acids - all of which are highly beneficial to the plants at any stage. Also make sure it is unsulphured !

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Wow this is an old thread. But just in case anyone checks this thread to see if other people recommend feeding plants grown in SOIL molasses during the veg phase, I agree with King of Queen and others - YES it does help. As he and others stated, it feeds the microbes in the soil which helps the plants uptake nutrients, amongst other benefits. I believe that feeding the plants hydrogen peroxide may also help the microbes flourish- since hydrogen peroxide will provide them with extra oxygen, but it certainly won't FEED them. They do not eat oxygen... they eat carbs, which is what molasses basically is. Furthermore, molasses (At least blackstrap molasses) contains calcium, iron, selenium, copper, magnesium and amino acids - all of which are highly beneficial to the plants at any stage. Also make sure it is unsulphured !
How does it help in flower other than creating the right environment in Veg?