2 years ago i got this still have 2/3 bottle , I used my mix as a kitchen cleaner as well
1/8" of oil in a spray bottle bottom then fill with water 1/2 way , fill the rest iso 90% & a squirt of Dawn
You must shake this every use u'll see the oil rise as a thin orange color
(Horsetail) You can use it on harvest day if you like......does not add any smell or taste! late harvest is fine, but be sure to have fans on the subject plant to help prevent rot from too wet!
For better results with the HT. Mix a cpl of drops of dish soap into the tea water. Makes the surface tension of the water less and the HT will contact the molds better! Works great that way!
The "AACT light" for mold will work right up to the last 2 weeks!
For better results with the HT. mix a tsp or 2 into the tea water. Makes the surface tension of the water less and the HT will contact the molds better! Works great that way!
the color about a med/dark tan & till it gets a slight slick on top
during catterpiller season I add BT
that Did work No catterpillers at all this year