dig, alot just a friendly crack at the outdoor grower ( i do it too)boil some water
add molasses I use Honey
2 teaspoons for 1.5 ltr of water
let the mix sit in the sun for a few hours before you water.
I let everything i feed or water with sit in the sun for a while and leave the bottle open to let any gasses or free radicles excape.
my pattern is..... water, water, nutes, water, honey. Repeat.
when my plants are seedlings i use a very small dose of chicken shit water. instead of nutes. and i grow outdoors so my season is long and drawn out. Ya dig.
lmao dead beats. Diggin for gold my man, diggin for gold luck to ya JonnymanFuck yea i doo to 3ft by 3 ft by 4 ft deep holes for every girl. this year i only have 6 so it aint to bad. i started with 15 but after weeding out the dudes and the dead beats thats what i have left. i just dug all the holes yesterday and today and im transfering every thing in the morn early so ill have pics up tomorrow.
i always boil a little water for all my mixes just to make sure every thing desolves good. so i get an even mix. you should be fine as long as your dosage and your timage is good.
smoke a retard...get retarded lol. Your an interesting and diverse horticulturist. I like it! I do some guerilla too but not 4200 miles away maybe 2 miles haha. Amazon delivered your nutes and testing equip, etc to Iraq? niiiiice. Im gonna scope your threads soon for more info on the crazy-cropper aka JoNny Gold Digga. I'm just a canadian boy doing my indy/outdoor thing and lovin it, learnin more everyday.Im always digin for gold bro. ive been doing some genetic work for like 6 years with a buddy of mine and ive been growing in some crazy various places. i had a 22 plant crop in Iraq last year while i was workin there. Amazon will deliver any where LOL. so i only want the best for the Indica im growin. I still have one retard but it wont get bread just smoked.
delete some messages in ur PM box...wont let send any to younever boil the water, i let it sit for an hour+ once mixed properly, its the unrefined version so u have to crush the lumps then stir