molasses question help +R


Active Member
i jus wanted to know if i should use while flushing (2-3weeks left before harvest) and if "all natural" unsulphured molasses is ok and how much do i add to a 2gal pitcher. thanks ill give some rep!


Well-Known Member
IMO i dont use it when flushing. I just use straight water. I like to use it more during the actual flowering phase. It wont add really any weight.

If you do want to use it i use a tablespoon per gallon.


Well-Known Member
better if used tru the whole grow but ok in the final weeks . unsulphure is corect , remerber to mix well , very small amounts in hydro bery bery small...a 1/4 tea spoom per 20g in hyd , soil i use a tea spoom per 3 to 2 gall of water....


Well-Known Member
1 tsp - 1 tbsp per gallon - some will add more, but if you stay in this range, it's better for an end of grow


New Member
yes, definately use it man, it wont hurt your ladies a bit, its an all natural subtance which will fatten those buds up real nice.... 3 1/2 to 4 tlbs. for 2 gallons is what you want.... give it to them evry time you water have a journal or pics?....


Active Member
one more question, how often does it need it, once a week or more? and how much fatter do they get in the final stages (last 1-2-3 weeks) thanks guys ill put up a log and some pics when shes finished.... little side note got a lil chilly here and shes starting to turn purple! o yes shes looking and smelling grate cant wait to toast her... o yeah that reminds me does it matter if i use molasses up untill harvest?