

Well-Known Member
How does Molasses help when adding it to your water? I've never heard of that


Well-Known Member
Mild fungicidal properties

plenty of sugar to make buds swell


can be used right up to harvest

Also has magical healing propterties, or perhaps not. Seriously, it's great shit. I'm using one tablespoon(15ml) per gallon and my girls are loving it. Can't wait to taste the smoke.


Well-Known Member
It really makes that big of a difference huh? By the way is there a specific kind of mollases I should use and when can I start applying it to my water and how of


Well-Known Member
Unsulphured blackstrip is what you're looking for, but any thick and dark molasses should do. This is my first time using it, so I don't really have anything to compare to, though I have read that yield can increase by as much as 20%.

I don't know what kind of system you're using (soil, hydro etc.). I'm growing using indoor hydro and for that application you should start adding 15ml per gallon of reservoir water, in addition to your normal fert(s) as soon as your plants start budding. You should be replacing your nute solution once per week.

Lastly, you might want to do a forum search before asking a question next time. There have been lots of these threads lately.


Active Member
I'm sorry but neither of you spelled it right. It's "blackstrap molasses". Just wanted you to know exactly what to look for.
