MOLD! Help!!!

Pimpy Longstocking

Active Member
Noticed some dead leaves on the big buds on one of my Kryptonite plants. It's more of an indica, and has big dense buds. Upon inspection, realized that it was molding between the stem and the bud. Then started noticing that it's happening on a few of them. Should I pull it? And why is it molding? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Did in the mold and around the bud and see if you can find a worm. Or worm shit.

Pimpy Longstocking

Active Member
I believe there is a fungicide available, you'd need to look into it. I personally cut out my dead/rotted section and used fire, the ultimate fungicide!
They've got another week or so left. I'm scared to spray anything on them... I'll check into that Fire though, thanks.
if you don't want to spray them, then i would chop now and remove what bud rot there is as its unlikely to get better left on the plant untreated. on an unrelated note, who is that in your avatar?