Mold in Clone Domes... HELP!!!

I cut about 250 Blue Dream clones and put 72 per dome. I barely kept the rockwool moist, and I only sprayed the dome 1 time before I taped it shut. 5 days later mold began to show. I picked out the ones with mold and left the domes off. Now 3 days later more molded up and I have had the domes OFF 2 days!!! My last batch of clones I overwatered the rockwool and got stem rot. I am not sure if I cleaned out the room properly enough. Fyi the room has carpet flooring. The thing is all of my Strawberry Diesel Clones are showing rooting signs after day 6. No mold problems. it is only on the blue dream. And most of the babies that died from mold or stem rot were the ones on the outside rows of the dome, or touching cuttings that were on the outside rows. I am afraid to put the dome back on since the mold will spread really fast. But I am worried that the BD will all die. Its about 80 degrees in the room with humidity between 45-50%


Well-Known Member
Remove all the leaves and plants with mold. Let them sit on a tray in open air with a light breeze. Keep the rw moist by dipping the cubes in a cup, only the bottom third of the cubes. Dont over water just moisten the cubes.

Throw all the moldy leaves etc in the trash.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Ahhh memories. I haven't used rockwool for 20 years and forgot about that mold issue. I don't know where it comes from but it doesn't seem to happen with jiffy pellets. You will have to leave the vents open on your dome and probably take it off a couple times a day. I suppose trays and dome should be cleaned thoroughly between crops with a little bleach solution in a perfect world. Sometimes we get busy and get a little lax. I hope you can save them but it's going to be tricky.
i used rubbing alcohol, not bleach. I am going to remove the domes and get a light breeze going. should i place the fan directly on the babies, or off to the side?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about mold, but when my rock wool starts to turn green (algae, I guess) I apply drugstore hydrogen peroxide. It seems to do the trick.


Well-Known Member
Is the mold on the top of the rw cubes or on the stems and foliage?

If its the cubes turning green or black, thats normal

If its on the plants, put then in a tray without a dome, with the fan far away


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Why did you tape the domes shut? You should be opening the domes twice a day. You presoak all rockwool over night in ph 5.5 water then the next day you fling or shake water out as much as possible do not squeeze or you ll compact the airpockets which you need. Mist once a day maybe twice. Keep light right on top of the domes 24 hours a day. Keep temps between 75 80 in the domes cooler can stop or stunt. dont cram to many in as you dont want leaves overlapping promoting rot. If your gettling mold your not exhcanging air the dome or your keeping it to moist. Mold on rockwool is not common as you kind of have to be doing something very wrong to get it. Now if it is green algae thats different as you might get that on the top of the cubes if to moist. Rooting should take between 5-10 days depending on strain and hormones used.You can use a spray bottle with around a cap ful of home grade hydrogine peroxide to lightly spray tops of cubes and the tray to help keep algae or mold down but try not to get much directly on fan leaves.