Mold or ???


Well-Known Member
that white stuff is powdery mildew, good thing you caught it in ur plants early stages. i just lost an entire crop to that shit, so pissed but i got it after i put them in flower so the shit was so hard to get rid of. they have some sprays for that go to your local garden supply store, i think the active ingredient is sulfer so sulfur those bad boys up. try spraying them right before they go to sleep so the spray doesnt evaporate and apply it to the leaves avoiding the buds, not that it matters to you right now cus you got none so just douse em.


Well-Known Member
No, no, no!
Start an ORGANIC neem oil regimen!
Spray w/ neem every week (rinse with water a couple days after neem).
You could even alternate w/ pyretherin.
I have ZERO PM problems because of this method, and I used to have HUGE PM problems!
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
No, no, no!
Start an ORGANIC neem oil regimen!
Spray w/ neem every week (rinse with water a couple days after neem).
You could even alternate w/ pyretherin.
I have ZERO PM problems because of this method, and I used to have HUGE PM problems!
Good luck!
im thinking this isnt it because everyone said PM will rub off, i tried and must have rubbed so hard cuzz the leaf has curled up and still hasnt rubbed off. could it thc crystals im seeing or something else? its nothing like pics ive seen of PM. my temps are never below 80 even at lights out and humidity is always around 35-50%. im stumped.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I was goin to say, PM is usually prevented by good air exchange and low humidity....but, sounds like you've investigated enough to know PM.
Wish you could get a good close up.


Well-Known Member
...I was goin to say, PM is usually prevented by good air exchange and low humidity....but, sounds like you've investigated enough to know PM.
Wish you could get a good close up.
me too, does thc form this early or no? it wont rub off but could it still be PM? my humidity is at 41% at 95 degrees. i know thats high but this aint mildew conditions. at night time its still like 80 degrees but 55% humidity. im googling myself crazy. time to blaze one. aghh


Well-Known Member
neem oil is for mites and fungus gnats, not for powdery mildew. SULFUR will kill powdery mildew. but if it doesnt rub off then i dunno what it is. ur temps are running high u might wanna fix that, and its definately not thc at this stage.

newb weed grower

Active Member
ok i know this one how about u simply do both if neem oil may help u then u should use it plus bugs will want it later so u save the trouble of getting then right and well just watch ur baby mine is a lil sick right now but it looks like its gonna pull through


Well-Known Member
yea its used to prevent it, if its already there the neem wont do the job.
... the more we learn the more we realize we know nothing


Well-Known Member
yea its used to prevent it, if its already there the neem wont do the job.
... the more we learn the more we realize we know nothing

I've gotten rid of PM with neem oil before. You should try it sometime.
It was only once because after that I neemed every week and I haven't had PM since.... and I had it BAD!
I had tried just about everything before neem; serenade, baking soda, store-brand organic "fungus/blight/rust" spray, etc...
I like to stay as organic as possible, and this truly works for me.
Molasses is also a decent fungistat.