mold problen


Well-Known Member
Hello. A friend and I have been dealing with a mold problem for about 2 years now. It seems like a combination of things. I willadmit that he knows more about this than I do so please bear with me while I try to explain as he is iffy on posting on the internet.

I believe it started off as a type of root rot and a water mold, zoo spores I think he said. he has given them a bunch of different fungicide
Terrazole, subdue max, eagle 20, thiamenmethol, and imidclorapid. I may have butchered the spelling. But none worked. We have cleaned every inch of the house and Filtered the air.

we started some seeds outside and out of 10 only 4 survive with 2 being male but when pulling the males we noticed only the tap root and nothing else and the same with the females when harvested. we have apretty ppowerful microscope and took a few pictures (just waiting on my partner to email them to me and I'll post them).

I know I didn't give the best descriptions as of now but when I can get to talk to my partner I'll give more detail.

We have brought in fully rooted clones from other places and with in 2 weeks they are infected and dying. This has been a nightmare and one of the most discouraging things we have ever delt with. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Mold is usually caused by excessive humidity and/or lousy air flow and lack of fresh air. If you have sprayed the room with bleach, made sure your room has fresh air and a humidity level in the 60's, you really should have no problem. Keep a very close eye on your plants, and yank any plant that shows any sign of mold, fast.


Well-Known Member
Mold is usually caused by excessive humIdity and/or lousy air flow and lack of fresh air. If you have sprayed the room with bleach, made sure your room has fresh air and a humidity level in the 60's, you really should have no problem. Keep a very close eye on your plants, and yank any plant that shows any sign of mold, fast.
We dropped the humidity to 30% and still had the problem. Also opened all the windows and Increased the size of the ducting. Upped the Temps to 130°f and also had the Temps as low as 18°f

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Imid**** is a very strong systemic POISON/insecticide. It has now been CONFIRMED as being the CAUSE of Colony Collapse disease in Bees!
It does NOTHING for mold problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP using it! For anything!

Subdue Maxx is NOT good stuff !!!

the below taken directly from the use instructions

(1) Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide having a specific mode of action. Use of
Subdue MAXX could result in development of insensitive strains of fungi. Development of
insensitivity cannot be predicted. Therefore, Novartis cannot assume liability for crop damage
resulting from insensitive strains of fungi. Consult with your State Agricultural Experiment
Station or Extension Service Specialist for guidance and ways to control any possible Subdue
MAXX insensitive strains of fungi which may occur. (2) To help decrease the chance of downy
mildew insensitivity, do not use Subdue MAXX for control of downy mildew diseases, except
for use in turf. Use Subdue MAXX only as a soil application for control of soil-borne diseases

Terrazole is ANOTHER NASTY one!

Corrosive! MUST use Full body covering AND a respirator when used.
MUST post use of 300 ft FROM USE!

Did you mean Thiamethoxam ?

This is another neonicotinoid Insecticide that is toxic. It is basically the same as Imidacloprid.

Your "friend" is doing nothing for your problem, if that's your problem at all.

Yeah your descriptions are vague at best.

Don't start things outdoors and move them in. That's asking for all sorts of problems. Are you using soil from outdoors to grow in? Transplant to it? That would be your problem for starters. The soil outdoors sounds infected with something that will take YEARS to be viable again,,if at ALL!

2 weeks of exposure and dying? WOW, you have a major problem if you NOT using soil from out doors.

Insecticides do NOTHING for molds/fungus's. Stop all use of those you listed!

No more outdoors of ANY kind for you, from now on! PERIOD!

Spray down the ENTIRE indoor grow with a bleach solution! Include EVERYTHING! Tools, pots, floors, walls, ceiling, tarps, tents, measuring equipment, metering equipment, lighting equipment, fans,,EVERYTHING!!!

Use ONLY bagged soils!

Try again. If it is still happening,,,,,,consider moving!

Good luck



Well-Known Member
Imid**** is a very strong systemic POISON/insecticide. It has now been CONFIRMED as being the CAUSE of Colony Collapse disease in Bees!
It does NOTHING for mold problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP using it! For anything!

Subdue Maxx is NOT good stuff !!!

the below taken directly from the use instructions

(1) Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide having a specific mode of action. Use of
Subdue MAXX could result in development of insensitive strains of fungi. Development of
insensitivity cannot be predicted. Therefore, Novartis cannot assume liability for crop damage
resulting from insensitive strains of fungi. Consult with your State Agricultural Experiment
Station or Extension Service Specialist for guidance and ways to control any possible Subdue
MAXX insensitive strains of fungi which may occur. (2) To help decrease the chance of downy
mildew insensitivity, do not use Subdue MAXX for control of downy mildew diseases, except
for use in turf. Use Subdue MAXX only as a soil application for control of soil-borne diseases

Terrazole is ANOTHER NASTY one!

Corrosive! MUST use Full body covering AND a respirator when used.
MUST post use of 300 ft FROM USE!

Did you mean Thiamethoxam ?

This is another neonicotinoid Insecticide that is toxic. It is basically the same as Imidacloprid.

Your "friend" is doing nothing for your problem, if that's your problem at all.

Yeah your descriptions are vague at best.

Don't start things outdoors and move them in. That's asking for all sorts of problems. Are you using soil from outdoors to grow in? Transplant to it? That would be your problem for starters. The soil outdoors sounds infected with something that will take YEARS to be viable again,,if at ALL!

2 weeks of exposure and dying? WOW, you have a major problem if you NOT using soil from out doors.

Insecticides do NOTHING for molds/fungus's. Stop all use of those you listed!

No more outdoors of ANY kind for you, from now on! PERIOD!

Spray down the ENTIRE indoor grow with a bleach solution! Include EVERYTHING! Tools, pots, floors, walls, ceiling, tarps, tents, measuring equipment, metering equipment, lighting equipment, fans,,EVERYTHING!!!

Use ONLY bagged soils!

Try again. If it is still happening,,,,,,consider moving!

Good luck
We have been using coco coir as a medium. The plants we had outside were only an experiment to see If they would live and they did better than inside and didnt come in until after harvest for drying. We haven't used the chemicals listed in over a year. They are some pretty nasty things. sprayed everything we could with bleach. I'm sorry I'm not as thorough as I should have been in my original post I'm going on memory from the past 2 years so I may miss things until something is brought up and my partner is more knowledgeable about the situation than I am. I will have them post his description of the problems when I meet up with them later. The computer the pictures are on is very slow so I'm still waiting on them. Thank you for all of your advice. I hope to get some better information soon with some pictures.