Moldy bud be smokeable ?

So I know that smoking moldy buds can give you fucked up lungs, but if i used a bong shouldnt the water stop the spores from flying into my lungs ? Cos i got my harvest and it has heaps of mold fucking pissed off but i still want to smoke it


Well-Known Member
Can you smoke it? Yes. Should you smoke it? HELL NO!!!! And don't sell it. Depending on what mold it is can kill some people. Cut your losses and start over. Maybe by the time you get out of high school you will know how to grow from start to finish.


Active Member
just make some brownies? cooking the pot in butter then strain it? one time i smoke some beasters that fell of the boat into a lake, it was moldy. smoked it cuz i was 12.........


just make some brownies? cooking the pot in butter then strain it? one time i smoke some beasters that fell of the boat into a lake, it was moldy. smoked it cuz i was 12.........
Please do some research. Cooking doesn't stop the spores... Trash it please! I had a plant this summer that took 3 people holding hands to reach around it. I let it go too long and before I caught it, mold had taken hold. Trashed the plant 100%. Lost at least 10 ounces or more. Don't risk it just grow more.


Well-Known Member
Please do some research. Cooking doesn't stop the spores... Trash it please! I had a plant this summer that took 3 people holding hands to reach around it. I let it go too long and before I caught it, mold had taken hold. Trashed the plant 100%. Lost at least 10 ounces or more. Don't risk it just grow more.
I would think high heat would kill them, or process with 95% alcohol... ??


Well-Known Member
91 iso exstraction will kill it and give hash. But water and heat dosnt kill all molds. Otherwise it would be ok to use moldy tamatos in sauces.