moldy seeds?


Active Member
I'm germinating some seeds via the paper towel method, and about 7 of them have popped. A couple that haven't popped yet look like they have a thin white line going around the edge. Is this mold? I fan in air at least twice a day, usually every 8 hours if possible. If it IS mold, should I remove those seeds?
not a thin white line coming OUT of the seed (i have 7 that have put out taproots already), but around the edge of the seed... it hasn't cracked open, merely turned a white color in a line around the edge

edit: looking closer it's almost a green-ish white
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thanks, but i think this is different

the ones that have put out taproots didn't look like this before the taproots came out, i'm quite sure

looking at it in better light, the line is more of a green than a white...
in the process of planting the sprouted seeds, i noticed one of the taproots had a very small amount of what appeared to be white fuzz on it. mold?

anyway, i promptly removed the (maybe) moldy seeds and put them in a separate tupperware container to germ, just in case

if that was a small amount of mold on the taproot, will it still grow? i planted it anyway. had the pots all set so why not.