Molino Glass Bongs?


Active Member
I have the Molino Mad Scientist with the Hurricane ashcatcher, for a do-it-all, smooth-hitting bong. Its pretty sweet I must say. With three chambers, I put hot in the ash catcher and main chamber and cold and ice on the top.
Although this is a very nice bong, you get what you pay for. You do not find the same quality in this bong as the quality of a RooR for example. If you have the money, go with a RooR instead.
This bong is not meant to be taken around, since it is fragile, and should only be a stay-at-home piece.


Active Member
You can't compare the Molino Mad Scientist 3.0 to a RooR, that's sad, this is percolation(to produce milky bong hits) verses a bong that is created for artwork(RooRs are kind of plain in my opinion tho). I've never used this one, but a friend of mine used to have one about 2 1/2 foot tall with a glass on glass percolation inside the tube. I'm going to give a little bit of advice for all you people that think this bong is made for ice. The little ring at the top is very fragile, for one this isn't an ice piece, you could break the ring easy, and I'm pretty sure to get another pullout piece for the inside percolation tube, you'd have to talk to a glassblower. So, please use a little common sense, the 2 chambers of water make it so it doesn't need ice, and a 3rd if you have an ashcatcher/percolation stem. This is a strictly snow bong, try it when you get a fresh sheet of it outside and watch the milk churn. It makes me laugh every time I see a review for this thing, and people are like yeah works great with ice, makes me laugh hysterically lol, probably the same people that went and bought a new ADS when there female broke...


Active Member
Because the percolator will stop if you put room temp or cooler water in it. I own one and like it very much but it is a high maintence bong and very delicate.