

Well-Known Member
So just picked up a g of molly and i have heard of shard. but this shit looks like skinny white flakes of broken glass. has anyone ever seen this type. wish i had a good camera i would post a pic. but my god if it is molly its the best i have ever seen. can anyone help me out? Thanks


Well-Known Member
There are these things called test kits.
Taste should give you an idea if you don't want to wait for a test.


Active Member
As its been said just taste it and you will know, because molly can look like powder, to shards of glass to white rocks so theres not really a way of telling just by looking :)


New Member
im getting some 90-95 % pure white any insight and info on molly ? dont know much about it all ive had was E pills....
Its like sticking your meat in the glory hole of a women. But in your head with eyes shut.

Its the most bliss your ever experience. IF you had legit pills then you should have a somewhat insight. but if they were cut then you have a fantastic trip to come

its like nodding off really. (it was to me at least) eyes closed and head bobbed down. had my fav tunes and layed and not moved for like 1 hr. i was peaking for like 2-3 hours. OMFG I love that feeling


Active Member
the purest molly ive ever seen had a purply-brown tint to it. I was told it was 100 percent pure. From past selling ive always noticed the best Molly ive ever had was a Brown crystally rock. when chipped properly it was like shards of glass. The clear crystal molly was always OK but never the best. right now I've got some really strange looking shit that is a light brown hash color but breaks up like clay. Its not very good but has a kick to it. Sounds like you got some nice molly and had a good time