Mom i got caught up I wont make home for supper


Well-Known Member
Detenation switch. Proplem is if ne ones ever been luckyenought to get raided you dont have time. The cops know how to breach your home/garden and cause enough panic you dont have time to get rid of you shyt. Now if you know about impending doom b4 it happens. Two ways to go. Either A. Dump in river (plant life i mean) B. Fire. One of my buddies friends got raided and he knew he was next he got rid of all illegal shyt kept his lights. the cops actually took sample of the particle on his equiptment and still confisacted it and locked him up. He beat it in court but that was 1 yr later and a lot of money later.


Well-Known Member
I live in a rental, so once a year I have the Reality agency walkthrough. They are due to come in any day now, even though I get 2 weeks notice, I have choose to wait and start my garden after the walk in. What I did do though is set every thing up and ran it for a week to get dialed in, then I look at the clock, noted the time and went down stairs and took everything down and put everything away 100%, made sure everything was concealed. ALL things that had to do with growing. Looked at the time, and that is my safety lesson. Plants I have made arrangements with a friend to hold in his garage.


Well-Known Member
My own personal thing is a 50 gal drum of gasoline and a home made ignition switch, made from a solar ignition. due to this NOT being my homestead this helps me sleep at night. with in my localized garden I keep the perimeter closed like a secret American in Uzbekistan. No one gets in and no one gets out. Besides that i keep a large drum filled with sulfuric acid, no weight or thc content can really help your case. Also setup a shrine around your plants make it look like a practice not a hobby.


Well-Known Member
I live in a rental, so once a year I have the Reality agency walkthrough. They are due to come in any day now, even though I get 2 weeks notice, I have choose to wait and start my garden after the walk in. What I did do though is set every thing up and ran it for a week to get dialed in, then I look at the clock, noted the time and went down stairs and took everything down and put everything away 100%, made sure everything was concealed. ALL things that had to do with growing. Looked at the time, and that is my safety lesson. Plants I have made arrangements with a friend to hold in his garage.
good tipp im about to invest in rental propertys, and that was one of my concerns.


Well-Known Member
When we first moved in, they did a walkthrough 90 days later. That was just about a year ago. We live near the U of O college so that might be why they where in so fast.