Mom just called the cop's

Hey everybody I am still high and am typing this while I remember. I just smoked a bowl in my car and my mom smelt me on my way inside so she called the town cop. He came over intent to arrest me and left with a smile on his face from my badassnes winning him over and winning the fight between my mom and me. She tried to fuck me over and I owned the situation. Gave the cop some legal herbs and said this is what I have been smoking she is just confused and thinks it's weed. I had weed in the car still and was so fucking cool that my shit won out in the end. :peace: homeys bongsmilie light one up for me.
Back to the point.... Its not big and its not clever


Well-Known Member
He reminds me of Clarence's father in True Romance, when he's being interrogated by the mafia.


Well-Known Member
My parents calling the cops on me changed our relationship for ever.
The government is not at all concerned with your well being.
You owe them nothing.


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else Not surprised trouser's parents called the cops on him?
Also try not paying your your taxes, you do infact owe the government in that case! lol


Well-Known Member
imo..........regardless of how the situation went down, there is still an underlying issue with you and your mom.

I would be more concerned about that relationship and be the one to step up and make things right, shit can change in an instant and your chances will go with it. Coming from a man that has already lost both parents. Ain't no taking it back m8. Ain't no pause button either.




Well-Known Member
Is anyone else Not surprised trouser's parents called the cops on him?
Also try not paying your your taxes, you do infact owe the government in that case! lol
I was 15 and it should have been handled in house.
My kid would pretty much have to murder someone for me to call the cops on him.


Well-Known Member
I was 15 and it should have been handled in house.
My kid would pretty much have to murder someone for me to call the cops on him.
What, pray tell, innocent act, caused your parents to take the drastic step of admitting failure & calling the police?.....because that's what you forced you parents into.....


New Member
Its an incredibly small town and its just the 1 but at least 3 other cops live around this town and could show up in 10 minutes or less if need be, but my mom has been crazy as hell with punishments ever since I can remember. I once got grounded for a month for using dryer sheets in a load of my own laundry because "It ruins the dryer"


Well-Known Member
I dont know I you can trust this bitch called mom... Some people's children am I right? Snitches end up in ditches bro... Ditches Bro!