moms. over grown in a small cabinet. how to maintain?


Well-Known Member
3 moms.
120watt tri band led.
way over grown for my little cabinet. started them for clones but the need for the clones has been pushed back. just starting to get over soil mites and were re-potted. i want to make them smaller and to still be able to get lots of clones later but i dont want to stress them anymore then i have to. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
only think you can do with those busy plants. bigger spot to grow. cant train them or bend them there to busy. kinda screwed


Well-Known Member
When my Mom's get too tall, I take my clones from the top of the plants. If I don't need clones, I cut them anyways and just throw them away.

This should be a routine for mom once every week or two. This way, the branches don't get time to really thicken up a lot.

Just defoliate heavily and crop off the canopy. Keep allowing light down into the plant and create yourself as many clone sites as possible.



Well-Known Member
your gana have to supercrop. youtube iit
super crop eh? my flower box is a pro grow 180 and another 120 watt tri band as side lighting. would this be enough light for 2 or should i just do 1 of them? will it really produce more weight, bigger buds, more buds? i dont have a lot of space so i was planning on just taking 6 to 12 clones and going strait into flower after they root. iv done a smaller amount of plants with less lighting in the past and tried to super crop 1 of them to see how well it worked. didnt notice the biggest difference but i also think i may of mixed up the plants and pinched a few of them. if i were to SP one these how would i go at it. just start pinching every branch? would i pinch the bottoms of the branches or in between every node? and do i do it all at once or slowly over a few weeks?

i could re-pot 1 or 2 into shallow but really wide container/ containers. i would top is so it grows out instead of up and then hang both panels as side lighting. that would give me an extra foot for her to stretch upward.


Well-Known Member
bent them moms over.
some of the stems felt a little hallow. think they were more sick then i thought.


Active Member
Thats whats up! i like to bend moms over to..
lol funny shit. I like the idea of taking some clones from the top or just topping it rather. They don't look on the bright side. Why not keep a couple clones for new gen of mothers and flower them bitches. IMO tho. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I had a few plants for over a year in the same pot and i would take the clones when the time came. Eventually it started to take up too much space (late in the year) so I cut it back, upcanned the roots, and trimmed them back a bit and added in fresh soil. in about 2 weeks you start to see good growth again , and it's much easier to re-train the new growth than deal with the old crap. (plus allows more space in mother/clone chamber to veg the clones)