Monkeys or Aliens?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I now see you will NEVER change your perception. You will impose YOUR beliefs onto every one else before you accept another perspective. To THAT civilization, NO IT WAS NOT MURDER. To you it is.
1) I wasn't off topic! We were discussing expectation of consent! DO TRY AND KEEP UP!
2) Someone in a coma was diagnosed based on previous actions, so they MIGHT have expectation of consent. BAD analogy.
3) You did say that "
  • If you feel it is not wrong, how could you justify making a law against it?
    If you feel it is wrong, how could you justify not making a law against it?"
    So you can justify any law based on feeling, but it's not justified unless it has underlying justifications. That makes sense...
    • :wall:

4) "
  • His opinion of whether society can make a law against something should be directly related to whether he thinks it is wrong.

    So laws should reflect ignorance, IF it exists among the majority of the population?

    So Muslim woman who cover their heads are being oppressed? Christians who are taught that God created light without first creating light producing elements are not being abused? Absurd!

You were way off topic and continue to do so.

"Feel" is not synonymous with irrational emotion. I also never said we should legislate based on ignorance. Quite the opposite, I think it needs to be clearly identified and thought out, and you need good reasons, and should be able to back up those reasons.

Back to my original situation:

I violently hold and copulate with two women. I use the same force and MO. One woman is expecting this behavior from me. The other is NOT.

I raped twice? Once? None?
The woman chained up in my basement should expect forced copulation again tonight, because I have done it every night for the past month. Does that not make it rape anymore since she has come to expect it?

If the women CONSENT to being violently held and copulated with then it is not rape. If she expects you to do it, and either cannot physically stop you, or is afraid of trying to stop you (even though she wants you to stop), then that is literally the dictionary definition of rape.

Do Muslims ask permission before praying to Mecca? Do you grab the janitors mop and bang out his work on your lunch break? NO! Because you are not EXPECTED to. These behaviors would be considered unusual. Walk a woman through a Market in a bikini in a Muslim State Country and calmly explain that her attire is just fine, and it's scientifically proven that her morality is not effected by her swim wear. When you wake up, you will see the error of "Opinion Law"
Muslims praying to mecca is fundamentally different.

1. They are not hurting anybody by praying.
2. The praying towards mecca has been agreed upon and consented to by all participants before any praying went on.

You are getting so absolutely ridiculous that I can no longer take you seriously. I think you are either trolling, or so incredibly stupid that I cannot effectively communicate with you. Am I the only one here who thinks that or do you guys agree?


Well-Known Member
You were way off topic and continue to do so.

"Feel" is not synonymous with irrational emotion. I also never said we should legislate based on ignorance. Quite the opposite, I think it needs to be clearly identified and thought out, and you need good reasons, and should be able to back up those reasons.

The woman chained up in my basement should expect forced copulation again tonight, because I have done it every night for the past month. Does that not make it rape anymore since she has come to expect it?

If the women CONSENT to being violently held and copulated with then it is not rape. If she expects you to do it, and either cannot physically stop you, or is afraid of trying to stop you (even though she wants you to stop), then that is literally the dictionary definition of rape.

Muslims praying to mecca is fundamentally different.

1. They are not hurting anybody by praying.
2. The praying towards mecca has been agreed upon and consented to by all participants before any praying went on.

You are getting so absolutely ridiculous that I can no longer take you seriously. I think you are either trolling, or so incredibly stupid that I cannot effectively communicate with you. Am I the only one here who thinks that or do you guys agree?
At what point EXACTLY did the muslim consent. I'm ignorant about many religious practices. Is there an opinion card you fill out when you turn 18? Check 1 to call BULLSHIT on Allah. Check 2 to Accept Allah into your heart.

So your saying woman never succumb to rape? If your so familiar with psychology friend, can you educate me on the behaviors of sex trafficking victims?

I'm not advocating rape or trafficking, but your ONE SIDED approach to morality leaves a lot to be desired. I Hope your not a law maker in my state. =(


Well-Known Member
Monkeys. Monkeys. Monkeys. Monkeys.

Find a happy place, find a happy place.

*Sits on the floor and rocks back and fourth*


Active Member
Nice post. But if you hope in a GOD and Heaven,yer kinda religious. I myself am an Atheist. I can only support that which has been confirmed by EVERY perspective in the world as a collective. Catholics and Hindus both agree that electricity is present, and consists of electrons traveling through a medium element, or conductor, leaving behind an electrical charge which will travel the opposite way.
ok so maybe I'm a neutral christian or a hopeful human hahaha


Well-Known Member
Maybe GOD's true intention is entertainment! "Hey Yahweh, this is boring." "Wait, watch this. Look, they're killing each other!" "Whoa, how did you do that!" "I told them they were different."