Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Well-Known Member
Frank I'm thrilled to address the bill, but when you "stick your fingers in your ears" and then strap blinders on (and who knows what else) it makes it not much worth more than reindeer games as we discussed before.
Banning the patenting of GMO's or GE DNA is only achievable at the federal level, there is no ballot initiative process at the federal level and if you think the congress would ban such then we need to go way back and re-discuss how and who congress and the executive branches work for = not 'the people'.
California is one of the few states with a ballot initiative process that once an initiative passes into law by a vote of the people it cannot be amended in any way by the legislative or executive branches.
The courts have settled the patent issue until congress acts on that aspect, do you understand that part at least?
Your bill doesn't address the title of the thread in the slightest nor does it involve Monsanto at all.

It merely bans GMO's for no reason other than "God made them, we're not God".

Discussing ballot initiatives and such is deflection, the bill doesn't even address it's own title and you can't even rebut that point.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is illegal. What keeps corrupt politicians,like the Amphibian, from paying off a research firm to add oleander genes, etc, to kill us? By the time we find out, it'll be too late. He already wants the death penalty for weed.

That's why marijuana should have a GMO ban. Marijuana is the safest plant. No ones has ever died from an OD. Why should we risk whatever it is and do GMO to it?

We don't fully understand what causes cannabis to kill cancer cells when smoked. Yet tobacco et al don't.

I accidently smoke a heavy indica and get freaked out. You can't say just don't smoke GMO. How do I know? Currently you have no clue your soy or corn is non-GMO, unless marked such on the package. But how do you really know?

I will only accept GMO if there's a mandated label and if the company makes "mistake" and "forgets" to label it, they need to execute publicly the ones in charge.
I agree, there will have to be regulations to protect the consumer from "harmful" cannabis but a blanket ban on GMO for an entire state is throwing out the baby with the bath water.

But as with anything, the only way to ever be sure (be it cannabis, tomatoes, etc) is to make/produce/grow it yourself, this applies nowadays even absent legalised cannabis, does it not?


Well-Known Member
Your bill doesn't address the title of the thread in the slightest nor does it involve Monsanto at all.

It merely bans GMO's for no reason other than "God made them, we're not God".

Discussing ballot initiatives and such is deflection, the bill doesn't even address it's own title and you can't even rebut that point.
Frank your points are quite irrelevant in that there is no need to specifically mention cannabis as the ballot initiative proposal would ban such GMO's.
Furthermore Monsanto isn't the only corps developing GMO's Frank so again no need to single them out and so again your second point becomes entirely irrelevant.
As for your third point, again irrelevant because firstly the proposal doesn't even state as you state such at all, secondly unless you created all that exists you must have some theory about how it all came to be here whether that be your apparent choice of "god" or my best interpretation of such into words = the great equation, either way its simply a supporting finding to the proposed Act that you simply couldn't possibly have an argument with unless you have a definitive and or data based conclusion that answers the ultimate question without question lol, and I'm guessing you don't.


Well-Known Member
Frank your points are quite irrelevant in that there is no need to specifically mention cannabis as the ballot initiative proposal would ban such GMO's.
Furthermore Monsanto isn't the only corps developing GMO's Frank so again no need to single them out and so again your second point becomes entirely irrelevant.
As for your third point, again irrelevant because firstly the proposal doesn't even state as you state such at all, secondly unless you created all that exists you must have some theory about how it all came to be here whether that be your apparent choice of "god" or my best interpretation of such into words = the great equation, either way its simply a supporting finding to the proposed Act that you simply couldn't possibly have an argument with unless you have a definitive and or data based conclusion that answers the ultimate question without question lol, and I'm guessing you don't.
Again, loads of twat waffle.

A blanket ban would include microorganisms too right?

You realise a GM version of HIV was used to treat a child's cancer recently? Why would you deny such potentially groundbreaking cures to people in Liberal-land?

GM Microbes are also used for a myriad of other practical reasons, I believe Exxon are modifying algae to produce fuel.

Care to actually address any points or are you just going to keep talking shite and disregarding everything that's said to you?

Also, it was you who infact singled Monsanto out by putting them in the OP, genius.


Well-Known Member
I agree, there will have to be regulations to protect the consumer from "harmful" cannabis but a blanket ban on GMO for an entire state is throwing out the baby with the bath water.

But as with anything, the only way to ever be sure (be it cannabis, tomatoes, etc) is to make/produce/grow it yourself, this applies nowadays even absent legalised cannabis, does it not?
As stated previously on this thread, GMO's aren't like some product that once released into the public if it flops only a limited number of folks get hurt like the investors or the number of children that swallow such and get hurt etc and can then just be discontinued or recalled, GMO's create possibly permanent changes to us and the environment we all depend on for life.
Genetic engineering is not just a deal where we just give it a taste and see how it goes down etc...its far more serious a roulette game than that and probably more akin to Russian roulette.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I have no problem with GMO, unless it enters our food supply.

They're working on algae who respirate hydrogen. An algae farm using such would only need an area the size of Texas to supply all the world's energy needs. I've seen proposals for growing algae on floating platforms in the middle of the ocean.

GMO corn which converts to higher amounts of ethanol or methylalcohol would be fine too.

My objections are to GMO animal feed (even though it'd be hilarious if you meat eaters ate cancer causing bacon from the feed) and human feed.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with GMO, unless it enters our food supply.

They're working on algae who respirate hydrogen. An algae farm using such would only need an area the size of Texas to supply all the world's energy needs. I've seen proposals for growing algae on floating platforms in the middle of the ocean.

GMO corn which converts to higher amounts of ethanol or methylalcohol would be fine too.

My objections are to GMO animal feed (even though it'd be hilarious if you meat eaters ate cancer causing bacon from the feed) and human feed.
Yet you support a bill that would ban GMO's entirely, outright, forever in Cali?


Well-Known Member
Again, loads of twat waffle.

A blanket ban would include microorganisms too right?

You realise a GM version of HIV was used to treat a child's cancer recently? Why would you deny such potentially groundbreaking cures to people in Liberal-land?

GM Microbes are also used for a myriad of other practical reasons, I believe Exxon are modifying algae to produce fuel.

Care to actually address any points or are you just going to keep talking shite and disregarding everything that's said to you?

Also, it was you who infact singled Monsanto out by putting them in the OP, genius.
Frank, again I know you don't need help looking foolish, but you really should have read sec 3(c).


Well-Known Member
As stated previously on this thread, GMO's aren't like some product that once released into the public if it flops only a limited number of folks get hurt like the investors or the number of children that swallow such and get hurt etc and can then just be discontinued or recalled, GMO's create possibly permanent changes to us and the environment we all depend on for life.
Genetic engineering is not just a deal where we just give it a taste and see how it goes down etc...its far more serious a roulette game than that and probably more akin to Russian roulette.
You are aware that GMOs are already "out there"?

If the genie is as hard to get back in the bottle as you claim, why are you attempting it by lobbying for this bill?


Well-Known Member
Your the only one stating forever Frank, the proposal has no ability to do so.
Section 3c, whilst on face value makes medical technologies and research possible, the restrictions placed upon such make it impractical and unprofitable, thus ensuring it wouldn't happen.

So after lobbying for the ban, you made the bill open ended but do you honestly see people voting to relegalise GMOs when your side is so thoroughly trying to demonise them?


Well-Known Member
Section 3c, whilst on face value makes medical technologies and research possible, the restrictions placed upon such make it impractical and unprofitable, thus ensuring it wouldn't happen.

So after lobbying for the ban, you made the bill open ended but do you honestly see people voting to relegalise GMOs when your side is so thoroughly trying to demonise them?
I've no doubt that one day we will evolve past all the Frank's and ginja's and keen dr's lol at which point we might be mature enough as a species to handle such technologies responsibly.


Well-Known Member
Lets cut the bullshit at this point, what vested interest in this have you got?

Noone would spend this much time and effort without having a finger in the mix.
I have children and I also care about everyone elses...
Now its time to call the kids in for some tasty Monsanto soup...don't worry kids its not really like being a cannibal, its just virtually like that...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

So after lobbying for the ban, you made the bill open ended but do you honestly see people voting to relegalise GMOs when your side is so thoroughly trying to demonise them?
You probably know Bush made a full on ban of stem cell research. But did you know the FDA currently approves Hemacord™ stem cells?


Well-Known Member
You probably know Bush made a full on ban of stem cell research. But did you know the FDA currently approves Hemacord™ stem cells?
Bush banned embryonic stem cell research, you should look into the differences between the two.

DNAprotection; if you owned a twat-waffle stand, you'd always have loads in stock to sell, wouldn't you?


Well-Known Member
DNAprotection; if you owned a twat-waffle stand, you'd always have loads in stock to sell, wouldn't you?
Hot tw's I'm in! There must be a fortune waiting in just selling to your heard lol...don't worry though I won't sell GMO tw's, already fed'em to rats and it was a no go...

'Published on Sep 19, 2012 by François Le Bayon '

"French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders... full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry.
More information "