Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Well-Known Member
mmm hmmm... so now you were NOT alleging that UC Davis, Monsanto and the US Govt were in a plot to create dope killing fungus to eliminate cannabis... they were trying to PROTECT WEED with this program which is why they hid it so good nobody has any evidence of the program's existence, cuz this is the ONE Govt program that had security tight enough to prevent the aluminium foil hat club from discovering their plans.

it seemed to me like you were declaring the opposite was fact before, and you implied that your aluminium foil hat concealed the evidence that would blow the conspiracy wide open.

but now that i have read your evidence and it says nothing of the sort, doesnt prove anything and is actually just a poorly written report to convince congress to write some checks, now i just read your earlier statements wrong...

next stop: im on the payroll of Monsanto, and i presume, the illuminnati, and the global jewish conspiracy.
lol wtf? you are good for my health doc...laughing is good meds


Well-Known Member
there is such an act (passed by congress in 2002 when putting terrorism in the bill title could get anything passed no matter how crazy) but the bill doesnt do what he claims, doesnt say what he says, and doesnt prove shit.

basically in 2002, the congress opened up the purse strings for massive new funding so "homeland security" could create new ways to waste money on preventing "Bio Terror"
Actually doc they were already hard at it during the Clinton admin...under previous 'preparedness' laws as well.
Oh and you are quite incorrect about the cannabis, poppy and coca fungal pathogens that were called for and developed in a 'devil's' three way as you say lol...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Actually doc they were already hard at it during the Clinton admin...under previous 'preparedness' laws as well.
Oh and you are quite incorrect about the cannabis, poppy and coca fungal pathogens that were called for and developed in a 'devil's' three way as you say lol...
still waiting on anything other than your assertions to support that bullshit.

theres more evidence supporting the cia's exploding cigar plot to kill castro than your wacky claims


Well-Known Member
still waiting on anything other than your assertions to support that bullshit.

theres more evidence supporting the cia's exploding cigar plot to kill castro than your wacky claims
lol how many people do you think would actually care either way on the Cuban cigar crises?
conversely, how many people would care if they knew about the 'devils three way'(your words) going on to not only create but also employ these type of pathogens?


Well-Known Member
lol how many people do you think would actually care either way on the Cuban cigar crises?
conversely, how many people would care if they knew about the 'devils three way'(your words) going on to not only create but also employ these type of pathogens?
You're an idiot, they'd be hailed as heros by the "drugs are bad" crowd if they not only revealed but used pathogens to wipe out "the bold drug plants".

Again, anything to back up your bat-shit crazy assertions?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
lol how many people do you think would actually care either way on the Cuban cigar crises?
conversely, how many people would care if they knew about the 'devils three way'(your words) going on to not only create but also employ these type of pathogens?

proof positive that the CIA used the old Tuskegee Campus to train and equip several battalions of Spidermite Paratroopers for use against Pablo Escobar's secret Marijuana Factories in Wisconsin!

they gave those bastards tiny little M16's and microscopic "Nanothermite" grenades and sent them out with orders to exterminate all non-Monsanto weed in America!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Look at all this "Proof" Tailgunner Joe McCarthy had of communists in hollywood!
No, you cant see it from any closer, it's like totally secret and shit, but if you COULD see it, it would

whistle blowers blow whistles on everyhting imaginable

If the US govt were in a plot to exterminate hemp with bio-weapons it would not be secret for more than a few seconds.

just like the loch ness monster, bigfoot, and paris hilton's acting talent your story is just a myth.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

You Must Be High.

i been takin homeopathic suicide pills too, damned things just give me boners and make everything look blue!


Well-Known Member
You're an idiot, they'd be hailed as heros by the "drugs are bad" crowd if they not only revealed but used pathogens to wipe out "the bold drug plants".

Again, anything to back up your bat-shit crazy assertions?
I'm thinking you are probably incorrect as with most of your assertions and which is some what exampled with gov's paraquat program in the 70's and the immense public outcry that stopped the program.
Also that was before states started 'dealing' with cannabis laws on their own such as cali etc, and your making the argument that there would be less outcry now over an even more serious threat to cannabis and the health of those who partake?
"anything to back up your bat-shit crazy assertions?"

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The only herbal suicide pill I know of is mah hwahng´. That stuff will make your heart race so fast, you'll think the alien is about to pop out of your chest.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking you are probably incorrect as with most of your assertions and which is some what exampled with gov's paraquat program in the 70's and the immense public outcry that stopped the program.
Also that was before states started 'dealing' with cannabis laws on their own such as cali etc, and your making the argument that there would be less outcry now over an even more serious threat to cannabis and the health of those who partake?
"anything to back up your bat-shit crazy assertions?"
Ok so you don't have anything.

The rest deserves a solid "Cool story bro" tho.


Well-Known Member
Ok so you don't have anything.

The rest deserves a solid "Cool story bro" tho.
lol oh Frank, your poker face shows every time you respond with nothing when your responding to something...
Are you still angry I've exposed your 'hidden' identity. Its irresistible not to help you look foolish Frank.


Well-Known Member
lol oh Frank, your poker face shows every time you respond with nothing when your responding to something...
Are you still angry I've exposed your 'hidden' identity. Its irresistible not to help you look foolish Frank.
Listen, you made retarded claims, that puts the onus of proof on you.

So far you've dicked about and talked shite, but have presented nothing to back up your assertions, infact one of your "sources" completely countered the point you were trying to make.

So...ANY proof at all to back up what you're saying or just more cock-swaggle?


Well-Known Member
Listen, you made retarded claims, that puts the onus of proof on you.

So far you've dicked about and talked shite, but have presented nothing to back up your assertions, infact one of your "sources" completely countered the point you were trying to make.

So...ANY proof at all to back up what you're saying or just more cock-swaggle?
So far Frank I've offered a boat load and you haven't responded in any coherent way to any of it...Further Frank, every truly unthoughtout thing you do state is so ridicules on its face that one liners are all that's needed in response, and thats only for the sake of trying to look foolish lol...