Monster Bud- Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

this grow started approx 5 weeks ago today. I will be posting a new picture every week and giving a brief statement on the progress of the plant. You will go through my trials and tribulations with me and see how i solved my problems. I will briefly sort through the posts that i made the week of the pics and give you an underlying briefing.

I have germinating pics but ill post em later, who the fuck cares about germ'n pics anyways lol. I will be following the largest Monster Bud plant i have, as to show you an optimal performance, however there is a chance that the plant might be swtiched upon sexing. So I'll get you all up to speed on the grow thus far.

ps: all feedback/comments are welcomed and appreciated!


Well-Known Member
This week was a rocky one for the monster bud. The seeds were all great and popped within about 6 seeds, however i made a foolish mistake and germd these in a soil which contained a horrible fungus (obviously i didnt know). I immediately lost all but 3 of my babies to pythium :cry:. Anywho, here's a pick of the clear leader of the pack.




Well-Known Member
This week was a little better, i still have alot of the plants in their seedling pots, but i managed to get this one in their summer home 80L Rubbermaid (godbless rubbermaids). I'm using a mixture of perlite, vermi, dolomite and top soil. I just like the soil to stay nice and fluffy/draining but at least offering some water retention. Havent had any real problems this week, maybe a little bit of rain blew the girl over but that's about it.

For some stupid reason the file is smaller here than what the actual picture is, even in my gallery. it appears to have been automatically resized to approximately 7 pixels. Anyways the plant on the bottom is the Monster Bud, the One above is Poison afghan.


Well-Known Member
Well this is week three. I noticed that the plant had some minor insect problems down on the lower leaves. I just used a simple soapy insecticide. It appears that this has been holding them off. I only took one picture this week and it's from the top. Anyone know how to keep this thing from resizing the pic to such a small size ie the photos bigger in my gallery.



Well-Known Member
We're now coming up on week number four. All the plants are now in their summer homes and doing well. Some are smaller than others, but such is life. I had some problems with ph, but i corrected this by adding some more dolomite lime. I also got nervous about deer so i put some hair all around my grow spot, this will hopefully freak them out, i also routinely piss all around the spot. I think im having some problems with spidermites but im workin on it...i think some pyrethrin based shit should do the trick....but im gonna have to ask my "obiwan" a little later. I think ive also figured how to get the full sized images into the thread, so enough of this halfsize bs.

comments, suggestions and rep+ welcome :blsmoke:


Side View w/ Scale




Well-Known Member
I've caught these little fuckers marauding in my grow. They hang out in the soil, but i think they're responsible for some of the little things that've been bothering my plants lately. I'm gonna have to get some stellar specialty product to kill em off, i was looking for mosquito dunks to kill any larvae, but i cant fucking find it anywhere. I need that shit, "gnatrol" to really get rid of them. I dont think my "pyrethrum" based spray will be enough, especially bc they're all in the soil. For some reason though, the Poison Afghan appears to be a little more resistant, but that could easily just be a fluke. Anyways here's some pics

Fading Green Leaves

Other shit

Those little bastards,



Well-Known Member
There was some major growth this week. The monster bud has grown about 2 times its size in about 8 days!!! I got the pics to prove it lol. I dont even know if i believe it myself. The MB is super bushy, i'd say all in all it's at least 3 feet or so, check out the tropicana jug for yourself (hahaha, talk about proud product placement!!)

I'm beginning to see sex in the plants so ill be keeping a close eye on everything. I really hope the one i've been showing you guys is a chick. It's been my experience that hte broader the leves and the more branching the greater probability that you have a female.

Anywho, here's some pics :blsmoke:

side view (week 5)

Another side shot

side view (from week 4 - 8 days)

(^^ is that fucking amazing or what?? :hump:)

Here's a nice little top pic

Well that's this weeks update folks, stick around fro week 6 and i should be able to show you some preflowers.





Well-Known Member
I've had to pull the plant that i was originally following, which unfortunately was also the biggest. I also had one of the plants hermie on me, but I thin that this may have been due to some stress I put on the plant with an insecticide. The leaves started looking all totally fucked up, you might even be able to find it if you look a little bit across the boards. I'm using one of the males to collect pollen from for a little bit of breeding. I now only have one monster bud plant, I only stared with 4, she's about 4.5 feet tall and fairly bushy. Unfortunately she was the smallest of the 4, but i guess a female is a female and things could get worse.




Well-Known Member
I considered growing in a rubbermaid. In fact, I might just do that next grow.
I'd recommend it, it's big enough and they last for years even outside. The only thing about them that suck is that you have to haul the soil to wherever you're growing. Although, an ATV can make this a lot easier and I'd also recommend getting some predator nematodes every year so that you can can keep any sort of insect eggs outta your spot. Make sure that you drill some holes in them for drainage , and if you pull some males make sure that you move the rubbermaids from an airplanes line of sight.