MONSTER marijuana plant project!! Diagram included, ideas and advice needed!! :)


New Member
LED are by far my favourite type of grow light :) i just love the idea that it can produce such a huge amount of equivalent energy without using too much electric and staying really cool :) theyre so AWESOME xD
Not bashing LEDs, bashing the advertisers for all of their bullshit. You better research much deeper on LEDS. The initial cost today for LEDS over HID is about 5x higher than HIDs for LEDs that are actually effective.


lol... do a little more research and less listening and then you will begin to learn.
if i told you i have an auto flowering 9week strain that will produce a lb per plant for 100 a seed, would u want it? yes. am i lying? yes. dont beleive what your told... find out for yourself...
Maybe the LED lights arent the equivalent at the same distance from the plant but guess what, i can put my lights 4 cm away from my plants MAKING it the equivalent of you energy sucking HPS loool, i didnt mean it like that anyway. i HAVE done the research, i've not looked on marijuana based sites, ive looked at professional lighting company sites, ACTUAL statistics that show when LED lights are close up, they give the equivalent amount of light energy as 3 HPS lights of the same wattage.

Btw, i asked in my post for people to correct me on anything, it was one of the main reason i posted this, what i didnt want is some cocky stranger being a total ass about it. lay off the sarcasm dude, it just makes you look like an idiot to everyone who reads your posts.


Not bashing LEDs, bashing the advertisers for all of their bullshit. You better research much deeper on LEDS. The initial cost today for LEDS over HID is about 5x higher than HIDs for LEDs that are actually effective.
I wont argue, LED's are MUCH more expensive, but in the long run, you save ridiculous amounts of money on your electricity bills :) and don worry i have researched more into it, i dont listen to the company's bullshit, i look at more appropriate websites for the data, such as company's that dont sell lights, but educate others about them, they have no reason to bullshit so i tend to make my decisions based off them :) obviously LED's dont give off the equivalent amount of energy that i mentioned by themselves, it's only because of how close up they can be to the plants without burning them that gives them that extra effectiveness

what what

Active Member
think about it. If LEDS were that good. Dont you think everyone would throw their hps/mh systems in the trash and RUN to the hydro store to get them amazing LEDS?


think about it. If LEDS were that good. Dont you think everyone would throw their hps/mh systems in the trash and RUN to the hydro store to get them amazing LEDS?
of course not, everyone has there own preferences and knows what works best for them and their setup. for me, LED's are the best choice, however for others that may not be the case.


Big plants need more than todays LED technology. 1500 watt HID, now that will help you grow a big plant.......
thats true, but i cant afford that kind of energy consumption, especially when i have other grows to worry about, otherwise yes, i totally agree with you, it all depends on peoples preferences really and what works best for them :)


Active Member
Maybe the LED lights arent the equivalent at the same distance from the plant but guess what, i can put my lights 4 cm away from my plants MAKING it the equivalent of you energy sucking HPS loool, i didnt mean it like that anyway. i HAVE done the research, i've not looked on marijuana based sites, ive looked at professional lighting company sites, ACTUAL statistics that show when LED lights are close up, they give the equivalent amount of light energy as 3 HPS lights of the same wattage.

Btw, i asked in my post for people to correct me on anything, it was one of the main reason i posted this, what i didnt want is some cocky stranger being a total ass about it. lay off the sarcasm dude, it just makes you look like an idiot to everyone who reads your posts.
ya you said it man. and ya i think those LEDs will put off more thanm enough energy, just make sure you buy expensive ons that have 3 watt diodes. anything below 2 watts per diode wont be enough to sustain even a small plant on its own. at least not well


Unfortunately because of my current financial status and because of current laws in place, i may not be able to do this anytime soon, this is merely a future plan to keep developing on until im ready to begin, but once i do i will be setting up a grow diary blog with a full time lapse after harvest :)


New Member
5 and 6 watt drivers are starting show up. Its only a matter of time before they become affordable for all of us. 5 years from now I have a feeling LEDs will share a good portion of the grow light industry...


Well-Known Member
what about hid's in cooltubes?? You can get the plants as close to the light as you can with LEDs and i promise you that youll end up with more and denser buds.