dr green dre
Well-Known Member
don't make it get to you nikar ..your plants look good --tats look good ..keep doing what you do bro..

Dunno, never met them.I want to go to nepal. But those GHS guys from strainhunters are turds
i have seen them. franco, arjan n the guy with them dreadlocks. u all wanna come to nepal do visit my store. opened the first medical ganja shop in my country man. the store look shitty but man the ganja good. hahahahaha i seem to be my only customer.nirakar,
I love what you have going on there. You are living the dream, friend.
Have you ever watched "StrainHunters"?
You can find the videos on youtube...the guys travel around the world looking for landrace strains for preservation and breeding.
Love the life you live , Live the life you love- Bob Marley, You keep getting better quality I see looks great bro.View attachment 2962884View attachment 2962886 this is the tree from marijuana harvest 2014
View attachment 2962892View attachment 2962895this is from the pots i had in my roof..
u got to read it correct. i was talkin how bob;s music has changed my life. i am 33 years old. i started shootin heroin when i was 18. went to the states started snortin coke, crack n wat not man. i violated my probation multiple times n took off from america n came back to nepal in 2008. from then on i havent had a single cigg. nor any drugs, i did love to drink but i always got into fights when i drank not always but most times. n i was a bob fan then too, but bob always say alcohol bad u know. so now its been almost 2 years me no have no drink man... n me dont eat no meat too for 2 years. i dont get them tattoos to show off, this rastaman really inspires me to be a better person everyday, but that dont mean i got to be social does it? i dont know yo??? the tattoos just a way to give a lil pain to myself for i have given a lot of pain to my loved ones too u know...coke and herion is no good one is uper hella usto smoke rock and sell it too when i was young i tried herion didnt like it felt like itching all the time and i just fall asleep while talking sometimes my head was inbetween my knees wishing i could just stand up... NO WENOE no good dude snap out of it man say no and get the fucken friends that say thier your friends and get away from them it wont change unless you change your suroundings.. good luck herion is a hard on to kick but so is coke or meth... DONT DO IT.. just start over with new people rehab man that what did it for me REHAB but want to change believe me it will change and before you know it people will never have thought your were that type of person. best of all it feels good waken up in the morning not hurting
thats a cokehead writin his thoughts n this is a ganja farmer writin hisAm I gonna die in this fuckin world?
Livin my life as a junkie dog.
Am I gonna die in misery?
Layin down cold on a gettho street.
Am I gonna fly to the heaven up above?
Or will I just be a member at the devil’s club?
Am I gonna be like a forgotten song?
Or will I be the guy too hard to learn?
Yet I still got a lot of livin up to do,
And show my folks what their son can do.
We’ll see, we’ll see, my mama says,
And to no surprise, It happens that day!
i wrote this in 2005 summer in estes park. i was snortin like 4-5 grams of cocaine a day after the summer ended my coke habits had turned so bad i had to take a semester off n come back to nepal but as soon as i came back to nepal i started doin heroin.. n then i went back to the states again n things still didnt go right for me... things never go right u know... but just listenin to bob marley everyday has made me the person i am now. i havent done no drugs, smoked no ciggeratte or drank no beer or been into no fights in a long long time n i hope to keep it this way for ever. all i do is smoke my ganja n listen to bob.
n here is my stash....View attachment 2974262View attachment 2974263