month old ?


Active Member
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ima rookie plant looks very healthly from bagseed im dont know if its a female its a month old i had it on 20/4 and just switched to 16/8 and i started letting a fan blow on it for two hours when i turned lights off only problem is roots sticking out the holes in the bottom of pot a lilttle bit do i need to transplant again i just transplanted like a week or so ago and thats when it started growing and does this look like a male or female i sure as hell dont know but i dont see no balls yet


Well-Known Member
you want a fan on it all the time, it looks like your overwatering pretty bad and/or your soils drainage sucks. have you been checking the ph of your water? pull out those things growing in your soil, they will compete with your plant for resources.


Active Member
theirs bug fly things in the soil and theirs some little worm looking things in it also i just poured 500 ml of water in it little to much i think


Active Member
I think you have a host of things going on/wrong.
First off, for a month old plant, it looks very stunted. My guess is your light source is very inadequate. What are you using?

Secondly, idk what kind of soil your using, but all the growth of other plants is not good. As mentioned by Dark, the "weeds" will steal nutrients from your baby, and eventually could cause some issues. I would suggest investing a little bit in some quality soil if you can afford it. I use Fox Farm Ocean Floor, and I pretty much swear by it. It's all organic, and it should feed your youngsters for a few weeks before needing any additional nutes. It's light and fluffy and does not retain too much water. It is a little more pricey than other brands, but I think it's worth the extra. The organic mix of Miracle Grow you can get @ Wal Mart is not a bad second choice.

Last but not least, your bug problem is probably the worst and most looming problem you have. You need to identify what they are, and get rid of them. With worms/larva in the soil, it won't be long till your plant is in big trouble.