Moose... they are EVERYWHERE!


Title sounds funny I know, but waaay up north here we got them everywhere, they venture into urban settings up here, its as if they know no limits. I plan on doing some autos outdoors here soon (as the summers are short with long days [about 22 hours] and the fall happens much too quick) and I have been looking into what will keep these behemoths at bay. So far ive heard that they hate the smell of dryer sheets (I assume the same goes for fabric sofener). I dont think that piss and hair will work well as with deer because unlike deer these beasts are NOT affraid of people and are quite the opposite of "skitish". People alone cant hurt them and they seem to flaunt this (ofcourse a 30-06 could easily change that but state gov would treat that almost as if it were a murder case... Serious), they are know to do much damage as their appetites are as giant as they are.

So, with that said, has anybody had to deal with these things before? and what worked best for you?


Moderatrix of Journals
i've heard good things about mountain lion piss (you can buy a concentrate online somewhere, i forget the link, and you spray it around).
they eat *everything (coniferous trees and stuff) too, right? i would imagine the "deterrent" plants would be fairly ineffective.

subbed just out of mad curiosity. (i've been around enough of them to know firsthand that they're -fucking ginormously scary-, but i've never done OD where they're aboot in numbers)

Biological Graffity

Active Member
...I know people that dealt with moose problem for years, as far as I know...NOTHING WORKS!!! ....but since you're in Alaska....Grizzly bear urine?


Well-Known Member
well they say that moth balls get rid of dear,rabbits,bears and others i know it works on dear and rabbits


Well-Known Member
Title sounds funny I know, but waaay up north here we got them everywhere, they venture into urban settings up here, its as if they know no limits. I plan on doing some autos outdoors here soon (as the summers are short with long days [about 22 hours] and the fall happens much too quick) and I have been looking into what will keep these behemoths at bay. So far ive heard that they hate the smell of dryer sheets (I assume the same goes for fabric sofener). I dont think that piss and hair will work well as with deer because unlike deer these beasts are NOT affraid of people and are quite the opposite of "skitish". People alone cant hurt them and they seem to flaunt this (ofcourse a 30-06 could easily change that but state gov would treat that almost as if it were a murder case... Serious), they are know to do much damage as their appetites are as giant as they are.

So, with that said, has anybody had to deal with these things before? and what worked best for you?
are you in Maine or Canada???


Not a bad idea, Im not sure if it will attract an actual Grizzly or not. A griz can do more damage than a moose in some cases, as a good portion of a bear's diet is quality produce.

...I know people that dealt with moose problem for years, as far as I know...NOTHING WORKS!!! ....but since you're in Alaska....Grizzly bear urine?