More "are they done" pics


Active Member
First grow, Orange Bud. I asked about a week ago and everyone said one more week. Im just over 10 weeks flowering. They really seem to have slowed down (in terms of hairs turning brown).

The smaller buds are the side branches which seem more "done." This is from the smaller of the 2 plants. The bigger one is a little behind.

If they aren't done, doesn't 10+ weeks of flowering sound a little on the long side for what seems to be mostly indica? I may have let an N deficiency get out of hand, could that have slowed me down? Sorry about the color of the pics, the hps is on.








Well-Known Member
Its so hard for me to say one way or the other with the hid light going in the back ground,any way to take a pic or two using natural light.


Active Member
Ok, I finally went out and got one of the infamous $10 microscopes from Radioshack... and i cant see chit mang. Im just having trouble keeping the buds and scope still for long enough to get a good look.

From what I saw there weren't any amber trichs, just some cloudy,

Whats taking so long?


Well-Known Member
Just cut a small leaf off of the top, middle and down low. Then take those to a table and get a good look at them. I can't understand why people try to look at the trichs while they are on the plant. It is almost imposible to do. It will not hurt the plant at all to cut a small peice of the leaf that is growing in the bud to get a look at the trichs.


Active Member
Just cut a small leaf off of the top, middle and down low. Then take those to a table and get a good look at them. I can't understand why people try to look at the trichs while they are on the plant. It is almost imposible to do. It will not hurt the plant at all to cut a small peice of the leaf that is growing in the bud to get a look at the trichs.
YES! Thats what i was looking for.

It seems like a little more than 50% are cloudy and very few amber. It really seems like its not progressing though. whats up?