More Blueberry Problems


Active Member
I'm really concerned about whether my blueberry plants need any nutrients or not. The newer leaves are lime green, while the lower ones have yellowed and even died. Some newer leaves have started to spot along the stems and i'm worried. They are 6 weeks old, but were stunted from little light exposure.

Also, I just worried about using any nutes on them because I have read blueberry are very nute sensitive.



Well-Known Member
what nutes are you using? I grew a hydroponic setup and two weeks before harvest I took away all the nutes to make a cleaner smoke and my leaves looked like that. So i would say that there is not enough nutes. I could be wrong, never grew in soil. hopefully this helps.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
when new leaves first come out they are a pale green color and that yellowing leave could be heat stress. and make sure you keep a constant 18/6 light cycle.


Active Member
Thanks for the help. I tend to believe you moto, I think they definitely need nitrogen. I'm just newbie and scared of over nuting. How much should they be getting, little help from a blueberry soil grower?

jay cas

Well-Known Member
for nitrogen dif. use half the recomende dosage per gallon of grow big.... fox farm products tell you 2 tablespoons per gallon, use 1 instead. give each plant that age 2 cups soulution evry other watering or once a week. iv never grown bleubs b4 but that is generally what you should do if growing sensitive strans.

imop its usless to dilute to 25% strength


Well-Known Member
yellowing of the bottom leaves could also mean it's time to transplant to a bigger pot. Can't really tell from your pic though.


Active Member
What is the difference of yellowing from nitrogen vs. yellowing from pot size? They were transplanted, so its no longer a concern, but I'm definitely interested in the answer.

jay cas

Well-Known Member
its not a matter of diffrence, but a procsess of elemination to figure out the prob. lots of things cause a plant to yellow, you know its not due to container size if you just transplanted. if your using a steady dose of nitrogen packed nutes, you know its not a nitrogen difficiancy (unless your plants roots are being restricted via salt buildup or waterloged), it cant be heat stress if the plant stays at a constant 75f, ect...