More destructive than Meth- Zombie People--- pics


Well-Known Member
Krokodil, a Russian homecooked alternative to heroin made from codeine pills, iodine, lighter fluid, and some other industrial chemicals, has a nasty side effect: it rots the users flesh right off their bones.
Here's a link with some NSFW videos of the users coming in for amputations:

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about it:
"Abuse of home-made desomorphine has since spread throughout Russia and the neighboring former Soviet republics. The drug is easily made from codeine, iodine and red phosphorus in a similar process to the manufacture of methamphetamine from pseudoephedrine, but desomorphine made this way is highly impure and contaminated with various toxic and corrosive byproducts. Since this mix is routinely injected immediately with little or no further purification, "Krokodil" has become notorious for producing severe tissue damage and gangrene, sometimes requiring limb amputation, in long-term users."


Well-Known Member
Krokodil, a Russian homecooked alternative to heroin made from codeine pills, iodine, lighter fluid, and some other industrial chemicals, has a nasty side effect: it rots the users flesh right off their bones.
Here's a link with some NSFW videos of the users coming in for amputations:

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about it:
"Abuse of home-made desomorphine has since spread throughout Russia and the neighboring former Soviet republics. The drug is easily made from codeine, iodine and red phosphorus in a similar process to the manufacture of methamphetamine from pseudoephedrine, but desomorphine made this way is highly impure and contaminated with various toxic and corrosive byproducts. Since this mix is routinely injected immediately with little or no further purification, "Krokodil" has become notorious for producing severe tissue damage and gangrene, sometimes requiring limb amputation, in long-term users."
Thats fucking HORRIBLE!! I feel so sorry for them.... Just for a damn high.... I wish them willpower to stop :(
That's some good old fashioned nightmare fuel right there. It's not the drug doing that though. It's the residual toxic byproducts that weren't cleaned out. This is the ugliest aspect of prohibition. A completely unregulated product.

When you ban people from owning vinyards, you can expect them to resort to making pruno.


Active Member
why would some one try this just once knowing the outcome,
i cant get my head round how stupid some people are.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Is it the chemicals or bacterial infections causing it? If it's the chemicals wouldn't the problems be systemic and not localized?