More Obama Lies

If it weren't for fat chicks, you'd never get laid. ;)
The health care bill will not increase the deficit by one dime.
If you like the health care plan you have you can keep it. No matter what.
If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep Your Doctor. Period.
Obamacare will cost less than your monthly cell phone bill.
I didn’t set a red line.
I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage.
"The War on Terror is over"
The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.
We don’t have a domestic spying program
We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system
Benghazi violence was caused by an internet video & demonstrations
We only changed one word in the Benghazi talking points.
The IRS never targeted specific groups.
My budget will cut the deficit by $4 Trillion over 10 years.
I will walk on that picket line with you, if workers are denied the right to bargain.
I’ve done more for Israel’s security than any President ever
Fence between US and Mexico is “Practically Complete”
Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions
ObamaCare Fee is not a new tax
We have run out of places in the US to drill for oil.
The Health Care Package will pay for itself
We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care
Health Care deals will be covered on C-span
No Earmarks in Stimulus
Guantanamo bay to be closed within a year
he's a thug because he has an uncontrollable temper and tried to smash his momma's head in with a hammer and stab his friend over a radio station.

Tell us Buck, just how long ago did these temper tantrums occur?

When was the last time Dr. Carson had these types of impulses/ tantrums?
Did he actually act on his urges?

You are so obviously desperate to impugn the integrity of a successful Black American, who happens to differ with you politically, that you actually will slander and defame with malicious aforethought and then pathetically cling to your bizarre and erroneous notion that you are an objective arbiter of just who is and is not a racist.
You need to look closely into your own mirror.

You are amazingly silly and shallow.
When was the last time Dr. Carson had these types of impulses/ tantrums?
Did he actually act on his urges?

a thug's uncontrollable temper does not ever leave him, and yes, ben carson did try to kill his momma with a hammer to the head and tried to stab his friend. one time he actually did beat the living shit out of some kid in his class.

he's a thug.
Bucky, he was only 14 years old when he was able to rid himself of these malign impulses.

Redemption is a thing of remarkable and breathtaking beauty.
It is a shame that you do not believe in the power and beauty of redemption.

Despite his academic improvement, Carson still had a violent temper. In his interview with the American Academy of Achievement, he recalled trying to hit his mother over the head with a hammer because of a disagreement over what clothes he should wear. In a dispute with a classmate over a locker, he cut a three-inch gash in the other boy's head. However, at the age of 14, Carson reached a turning point after he nearly stabbed a friend to death because the boy had changed the radio station.

Terrified by his own capacity for violence, he ran home and locked himself in the bathroom with the Bible. "I started praying," he said in his American Academy of Achievement interview, "and asking God to help me find a way to deal with this temper." Reading from the Book of Proverbs, he found numerous verses about anger, but the one that stood out to him was "Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city." After that, he realized he could control his anger, rather than it controlling him.

With his outstanding academic record, Carson was in demand among the nation's highest-ranking colleges and universities. He graduated at the top of his high school class and enrolled at Yale University. He had long been interested in psychology and, as he related in Gifted Hands, decided to become a doctor when he was eight-years-old and heard his pastor talk about the activities of medical missionaries. College would prove difficult, not just academically but financially, and in his book Carson credits God and a number of supportive people for helping him graduate successfully with his B.A. in 1973. He then enrolled in the School of Medicine at the University of Michigan.

Carson decided to become a neurosurgeon rather than a psychologist, and this would not be the only important decision at this juncture of his life. In 1975 he married Lacena Rustin whom he had met at Yale, and they eventually had three children. Carson earned his medical degree in 1977, and the young couple moved to Maryland, where he became a resident at Johns Hopkins University. By 1982 he was the chief resident in neurosurgery in Johns Hopkins. In his 1996 interview on the American Academy of Achievement website, Carson noted that being a young, African American made things different in the work setting. He recalled that in his early days as a surgeon, nurses would often mistake him for a hospital orderly, and speak to him as such. "I wouldn't get angry," he remembered. "I would simply say, 'Well, that's nice, but I'm Dr. Carson."' He continued, "I recognize[d] that the reason they said that was not necessarily because they were racist, but because from their perspective … the only black man they had ever seen on that ward with scrubs on was an orderly, so why should they think anything different?"

Read more:
that kid had no record of fighting at all, ever.

ben carson the thug tried to smash his momma's head with a hammer, stab his friend, beat up another kid, and had an uncontrollable temper.

you tell me who the term should apply to, mr. he-who-joins-white-supremacy-groups.
I swear some people wouldn't know the truth if it kicked them in the head.

the truth?

the truth is that martin had no criminal record whatsoever. no history of fighting. nothing.

ben carson, on the other hand, would smash his momma's head in with a hammer over clothing choices. or stab his friend over the radio station.

how's that for truth, ya white supremacist?
the truth?

the truth is that martin had no criminal record whatsoever. no history of fighting. nothing.

ben carson, on the other hand, would smash his momma's head in with a hammer over clothing choices. or stab his friend over the radio station.

how's that for truth, ya white supremacist?

Martin is dead, Carson isn't.

Thug life FTW!!!!
the truth?

the truth is that martin had no criminal record whatsoever. no history of fighting. nothing.

ben carson, on the other hand, would smash his momma's head in with a hammer over clothing choices. or stab his friend over the radio station.

how's that for truth, ya white supremacist?

I forgot, Martin was suspended because America is racist and hates blacks. They took a vote and thought Martin would be a good victim for our government's plan of white world domination!
the truth?

the truth is that martin had no criminal record whatsoever. no history of fighting. nothing.

ben carson, on the other hand, would smash his momma's head in with a hammer over clothing choices. or stab his friend over the radio station.

how's that for truth, ya white supremacist?
Do we really know that?

Treythug Martin was a minor, any record he might have had would not have been released.
Do we really know that?

Treythug Martin was a minor, any record he might have had would not have been released.

The only reason we know about Ben Carson's past is he divulged what he didn't have to because of what you stated above, because he's not a thug. He could've kept his mouth shut. But that takes too much brain power for the likes of Buck.