More Obama Lies

at least i'm HWP.

cheer up though, an overweight divorced loser like ginwilly might go for ya. or BnB, if he's not too busy trying to hit on guys (not that there's anything wrong with that).

"Might go for me?" You realize I'm married, right? You really are a stupid bigot.
On topic. :lol:

if that'll help illustrate the point for you, i'm all up for it.

Seriously though. I'd personally rather have a dialogue like adults but you seem incapable. I will give you a heads up in the name of decency though. Don't post anymore personal info about me or you will be turned over to 4chan. The name calling and stuff is childish and doesn't matter, but you respect my privacy or yours no longer exists. I have nothing better to do with my bitcoins.
Seriously though. I'd personally rather have a dialogue like adults but you seem incapable. I will give you a heads up in the name of decency though. Don't post anymore personal info about me or you will be turned over to 4chan. The name calling and stuff is childish and doesn't matter, but you respect my privacy or yours no longer exists. I have nothing better to do with my bitcoins.
That is a pretty good idea. Gonna find out what they hate the most about people like him and......
That is a pretty good idea. Gonna find out what they hate the most about people like him and......

I really don't want to sink to his level but damn, enough is enough. He's been warned about posting personal info before.
what a pussy ass threat from steve, 49, divorced overweight male, from dublin georgia.

protip: don't use the same name on your pathetic dating search that you do here. that's how i ran off nietzschekeen.

everyone click on the link unclebigot posted and see if you can figure out if that guy is overweight and divorced.

I'm not from Dublin GA.

You look really bad in this thread, I look bad for continuing to engage you. I'm done with you, good luck with whatever comes your way man.
I really don't want to sink to his level but damn, enough is enough. He's been warned about posting personal info before.

everyone click on the link unclebigot posted and see if you can figure out if that guy is overweight and divorced.

I'm not from Dublin GA.

You look really bad in this thread, I look bad for continuing to engage you. I'm done with you, good luck with whatever comes your way man.
I looked and:

I really don't want to sink to his level but damn, enough is enough. He's been warned about posting personal info before.

everyone click on the link unclebigot posted and see if you can figure out if that guy is overweight and divorced.

I'm not from Dublin GA.

You look really bad in this thread, I look bad for continuing to engage you. I'm done with you, good luck with whatever comes your way man.

you were the one who disclosed how you lost a bunch of weight (something overweight people do) and were divorced.

who would have guessed that she would want to get away from you?

What's with all the stormfront overflow?

they're not from stormfront, they just don;t cotton to this whole civil rights thing, worry about equality for poor whites, and wonder why i would "put on my cape and be a superhero for minorities" (or as sheskank so bluntly puts it, "n**ger lover").

nothing racist about any of that.
i really hope ginwillemina follows through on her threat to stick 4chan on me. i'd be honored to be the butt of their trolling.
Do you think spelling it with asterisks changes anything? When a person reads n**ger in their head do you not think they say nigger? Are you scared to type it out? Or do you think it means you have "class" not to?

Watching you post is like watching ducks fuck. It's hilarious.

there is nothing hilarious about duck sex, it is mostly a ton of rape.

and the mods requested/demanded that we not use the word. so it is out of respect for the mods. i even give them a nod when i call you a cunt if you haven't noticed.
Yeah, as far as I can tell the bigots travel in 'schools' (yeah i know good one eh?) and don't like facts. Just here to hate it would seem.
Free speech and all, fair's fair, etc. Hey, no problem.
Just don't bitch n moan when you don't like the responses here from rational adults. You're free to be a bigot. I'm free to be repulsed by it and argue against it as is anyone else. You guys dislike debate cause you lose. Instead, you try to silence people while enjoying your freedom to be a bigot. Lame.
This is the cue for redneck's to begin their homoerotic comments ('butt hurt' seems the fav) or to scream 'whiner'. Not very original or intelligent in my books. Still, feel free.
Just don't bitch n moan when you don't like the responses here from rational adults. You're free to be a bigot. I'm free to be repulsed by it and argue against it as is anyone else. You guys dislike debate cause you lose. Instead, you try to silence people while enjoying your freedom to be a bigot.

that's exactly why sirgreendumb started a dissent free, invitation only "politics 2.0" group.


he didn't get many converts.
there is nothing hilarious about duck sex, it is mostly a ton of rape.

and the mods requested/demanded that we not use the word. so it is out of respect for the mods. i even give them a nod when i call you a cunt if you haven't noticed.

Such a man of respect.

The funniest part of duck sex is the rape.
Do you think spelling it with asterisks changes anything? When a person reads n**ger in their head do you not think they say nigger? Are you scared to type it out? Or do you think it means you have "class" not to?

Watching you post is like watching ducks fuck. It's hilarious.
Why would anyone who wasn't a racist see that as a insult? Likewise why would anyone but a racist use it as an insult.