More or Less: the truth about Vaporizing


New Member
What kinda vape? I need to use it cuz my old lungs balk at the smoke. i might ought to take it off your hands.

I like smoking and vaping both. like i said I use like three times as much when I vape so I would rather be able to do smoke, but at least for the time being I should only vape it or eat it.

One of my best buds just does not like vaping AT ALL. to each his own i guess.

I regret buying mine it sits under my bed...
All the weed taste the same..
VAp's are just....OK, nothing special..


Active Member
has anyone tried the liquid attachment for the volcano? I am thinking about getting it for hash vaping but damn, loose keif on top is bad ass enough for me right now...


Active Member
has anyone tried the liquid attachment for the volcano? I am thinking about getting it for hash vaping but damn, loose keif on top is bad ass enough for me right now...
No, but Ive used the wet screen that they give you. The wet screen is all you really need.

Hash worked pretty well with just the normal screen. Im sure it would be even better with the wet screen.

Honey oil+wet screen is pretty ridiculous.


Active Member
To me it seems like I can take more hits from a vape with the same amount of weed, but the hits aren't like bong hits. I have a Silver Surfer from 7th floor and I find that the high from a vape is certainly more clear headed for me than the high from a pipe or bong. It is just a different high period. The taste is different and I feel much more energetic. That being said, I still like to use a pipe or bong because thats when I feel STONED. If I really want a kick to the head I'll let the high from the vape hit me after a few pulls, maybe 15-20 mins, (ok sometimes 5) then take a fat bong hit and its like Zidane headbutt between the eyes:wall:


Well-Known Member
A lot of people talk about drastically reducing consumption with the Purple Days. There's a ridiculously long thread over at fuckcombustion about it.
They look great, stealthy. 3 year warranty, guaranteed no lead construction. Perfect vape everytime. Even doubles as an aromatherapy device.
All for $180. Did I mention they're handcrafted in the USA?

I plan on getting one of these!


Well-Known Member
actually the resin from the vape in the tube leading to your mouth would have something comparable to pure hash oil.

seriously, you would have pure ∆9THC with some other type of cannabinoid. you could literally scrape that shit up, put it under your tongue and wait 50 seconds.

edit for above: the only way the bags work is with the forced air vaporizers that have a tiny air compressor.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest that everyone buy a Volcano.

It pays for itself over time with the amount of bud that you save. You can also keep all of your vaped bud, and turn it into potent cannabutter for cooking.

The only negative aspect about it is that I've become spoiled. I hate smoking normally now. I cant really taste the weed out of pipes anymore, either.
I know what you mean. Everything just tastes so much better out of a volcano.


actually the resin from the vape in the tube leading to your mouth would have something comparable to pure hash oil.

seriously, you would have pure ∆9THC with some other type of cannabinoid. you could literally scrape that shit up, put it under your tongue and wait 50 seconds.

edit for above: the only way the bags work is with the forced air vaporizers that have a tiny air compressor.
Oh that's pretty cool.


New Member
my vapir has a FAN, a compressor is a more complex device. That would explain the ungodly price of the volcano though.

edit for above: the only way the bags work is with the forced air vaporizers that have a tiny air compressor.


Well-Known Member
I just got myself a vape called the extreme! It was one step down from the volcano at our local shop. It's pretty badass it has a remote to turn it on/lights on/off/ Timer for how long you want it on(good for forgetful stoners), preset temps and 3 speed fan control. I have to say I am in love with vapor! But like someone posted before I am also in love with the proccess so I am using more weed but also getting freaking cooked all day!!!

I've had it for a week today and there is definitely some crazy looking honey/hash oil building up in the glass parts. After I noticed this on day 2-3 I cut a piece of the hose to the bag and added another 2 inch piece of glass just to collect more of that goodness. Hehehe.

I don't know about the whole making hash thing but is can be a bit like a tiny hotplate. I busted up some buds in a coffee grinder and put in just the fine (crystals) some call it. I guess it's straight tricromes. The vape was set at 200C (what I usually do weed at) and the (crystals just kinda melted together like hash in a golden brown blob without vaporizing. So it's like I made a little hash, nothing to ban the product for hehehe.