more problems

so i transplanted the plants into the room with the 400w mh light from the phototron....i potted all three the same. well one of them is really droopy. like really droopy..its still really green and the leaves look well but its just looking terrible. i have a 4x4 ft room with 400w mh hanging about 3 ft from them for the first week till they get used to it....what do you think it could be? i do used peters 20 20 20 food once every other week and just regular water the other two weeks of the month. usually water 1 or 2 times a week. just weird that its looking to bad since the other two look healthy as can be. thanks for the help

i also wanted to add that there is a big circulating fan in the ceiling facing down toward the plants and there is Broan bathroom exhaust fan in the wall about 24 inches off the floor to get rid of the heat in there. i did JUST install the fan ten minutes ago so maybe it was just heat stress but i figured if one would have done it they all would. but maybe im wrong. please help me out. thanks....


Well-Known Member
It could be a number of things, but it's probably related to water and the transplant. The leaves will droop if it needs water or if it has been overwatered, but it could be in shock because that plant looks terrible. Give it some time and see what happens. Are you pHing your water? Also, get that light closer to the plants, and i mean much closer. 3ft is just too far hell I got my 1000w just 16 inches from the canopy. Just put the light as close as you can to the plants and put your hand under the light and if it burns your hand than its too close if it doesn't then you're good. the fan should help get the light closer yet.
ok thanks for the advice. ill move the light down tomorrow...its off now and dont wanna get it to close and burn them up.....should i just leave it alone and see if it comes back? i did water it when i transplanted it....and no im not PHing the water...where can i get a ph tester? let me know thanks


Well-Known Member
you can order one or get one from your local hydroponics store just a basic water tester shouldn't cost more than 5 for a little bottle. like i said if the top of your hand doesn't feel a burn the plants won't be bothered. you want compact short plants not tall stringy plants. the plant that is having issues will recover just give it time.

are you using any nutrients?
im using peters 20-20-20 mixed up as it says on the box...i water twice a week...once with water and once with peters...
shes starting to come around now. i think by tomorrow it will be back on track...

although i feel like they havent grown much lately. i think they are about 6 weeks old and still pretty small. ever since i topped them they have been growing realllllly slow. is it just me looking at them everyday and my minds fooling me or do they grow slower when you top them


Well-Known Member
they take awhile to recover after being transplanted sometimes. you'll start seeing more vigorous growth eventually. you're just not having patience ;)