More Quantitative Easing on the way.


Well-Known Member

  • After weeks or our skewed news media and speculators screaming there wont be anymore Money printing Fed chairman Ben Bernanke stated the will be a Q3 of of money printing to come.

    We've already seen inflation in the grocery store and pretty much everywhere else but look forward to interest rates and inflation rising even higher in the next coming years.​



Well-Known Member
Maybe you should just ask the mods to change your thread title to "More Intentional Inflation on the Way".


Well-Known Member
nah im good. I think ill just move to a country where it doesn't take 5million dollars to retire.


Well-Known Member
As opposed to say, Nibiru, NWO, aliens invading, poles shifting, galactic alignments, earthquakes, solar flares, the Annunaki returning and Jebus's second coming.

More fear mongering to dull our senses. Personally I'm hoping for a solar flare.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Please check facts before spewing bullshit. There has been NO mention of QE3 or any bond buying program.


Well-Known Member
As opposed to say, Nibiru, NWO, aliens invading, poles shifting, galactic alignments, earthquakes, solar flares, the Annunaki returning and Jebus's second coming.

More fear mongering to dull our senses. Personally I'm hoping for a solar flare.
The creation of money from nothing lowers the value of all money of that's not scaremongering, it's economic fact.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Let's print that shit! The old Brazilian R$ inflation rate needs to be broken. Who better than the US. Obama has his work cut out for him if he wants to reach his goal of $10+ per gallon gas.


Well-Known Member
Of course more QE is on the way, there is nothing else they can do. I doubt they can reduce the overnight lending rate from 1/4%. The question is WHEN will they begin this endeavor.


Well-Known Member
Please check facts before spewing bullshit. There has been NO mention of QE3 or any bond buying program.
My facts were from Ben Bernanke's mouth, he spoke in Atlanta today and said Q3 is more than likely going to happen. So i'll spew that shit all over your face.


Well-Known Member
My facts were from Ben Bernanke's mouth, he spoke in Atlanta today and said Q3 is more than likely going to happen. So i'll spew that shit all over your face.
lol very nice put down. On point and graphic, two thumbs up.

btw No bond bubble coming, nothing to see here mundanes.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
My facts were from Ben Bernanke's mouth, he spoke in Atlanta today and said Q3 is more than likely going to happen. So i'll spew that shit all over your face.
So you go from "more QE on the way" to "oh well he just sort of mentioned it". Please entertain me and post link to where he said he is enacting more QE. I find it funny you are tying to pass this as a fact. I trade U.S treasuries, there has been NO reaction whatso ever. So, once again, check facts before spewing bullshit.

LOL I just went to and read his speech, HE DIDN'T EVEN HINT AT IT.
The stupid leading the blind..classic RIU


Well-Known Member

  • We've already seen inflation in the grocery store and pretty much everywhere else but look forward to interest rates and inflation rising even higher in the next coming years.​

keep making the same predictions and you'll continue to be wrong. The righties have been predicting high inflation and interest rates since 2009. "oh noes! The bond vigilantes are here to punish us!"