More Yield... Less bigger plants or more smaller plants???????????


Well-Known Member
Ok so here's the deal. Im buying a grow tent next week. 56x56x78 and a 1000w hps. My question is what would have a bigger yield? Fewer big pots in the tent or more smaller pots? i want to maximize my yield. any input would be great.


Well-Known Member
You're best bet is to look into training, then it won't matter how many plants you've can amazing results.


Well-Known Member
depends on the strain/s you are going to grow, butttt i would probably say more smaller pots, or even a mixture couple of big ones and loadsa small ones


Well-Known Member
I agree with Hubert... The only thing more pots gets you is smaller nugs less veg time and way more work watering... I think you should just go by grams per watt and work on that instead of plant numbers... do yurself a favor and do less plants.. less to get in trouble with also... a judge only hears the number of plants not the size...



Well-Known Member
rule of thumb - plants in flower mode will get about 2 to 3 times biger so top at max veg hight that will work for your grow area (top at 1 foot flowering might get plant to 2 to 3 feet high) once topped bush it out and take clones off if you want to clean up the branches a bit to space them out before flowering so that the buds don't touch


Well-Known Member
you can yeild about the same from both, but with many small plants you can harvest 2 times before one cycle of large plants is done, so i say SMALL. late


Well-Known Member
do a sog. less plants in a dwc rubbermaid youll get alot of yield
Yep...rezo has the right idea :mrgreen: SOG (Sea Of Green) will give you maximum yield. It's true bigger plants do take longer, but only to veg...they don't take longer for the bud to mature.

Do whatever you think you can handle, if you do big plant you are going to have to learn hw to train (probably) So if you dont have the time for that go with more smaller plants. But just for the record my vote is with fewer, bigger plants and some training.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha i wanna shoot myself in the face for saying this, but one bud to find them!
And i take that from Clerks2 and not lotr lol


Well-Known Member
well here are my most recent pics
and my sig is my journal. i have 13 plants crammed into a 18x36" area and i'd say it is a ton more work. i have to take out the front 5 just to water the back ones.

if you have a veg chamber you can harvest big plants just as quickly as small ones. thats what i'm doing next time. gunna train 4-6 big plants to make a canopy (which will take more time though i guess too. lol)

try them both out. see what you like then stick with it.