Morning Glories


Well-Known Member
ok so my freinds mom owns a little garden nursery downtown. well he managed to get me a package of 1lb of HBMG. im doing the crude exctraction right now. ground up half pound in the blender, lighter fluid three times, filter the fluid out keep the gunk then soak 3 times in everclear. hopefully i will have it done 4 the weekend!


Well-Known Member
excellent. I have 2 MGs and a Hawaiian Baby Woodrose growing with my 2 canna plants. Why don't you just eat the seeds? I put them on sammiches..even though you need like 400.


Well-Known Member
i did yesterday. i ate two huge handfuls at 10am then sat around sick as fuck until about 3pm. then i started trippin slowly. by 5.:30pm i was frying my balls off. but i wanted to do it like this so i can get more purified lsa and it gives me something else to do. plus i dont want to have to eat a shit load of seeds.


Well-Known Member
really i should, i have a bunch of little vine plants growing by the window. i get all sunlight in my place, all my windows are on the south side of this damn building!! i want to grow some sally d too!


Active Member
Be careful with those morning glory extracts... You consume too much, you'll be tripping forever. No Joke. Use extreme caution :P

On a side note, it feels like a "poisonus" high and everything appears drippy and slightly blurred while your on them. Ever look through a window in a heavy rain storm? That kind of drippy. Take even more and you probly will regret it haha.


Well-Known Member
ya thats how i felt yesterday. shit well thanks for letting me know that. i dont want to over do it on this shit thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
rarely ever does that happen. I've come out of more than one of those "trips that never stop"'s just after effects. not to mention that it takes well over 1000 seeds to make you crack. and there still isn't a recorded lethal dose.


Active Member
I saw on an extraction with cranberry juice... just let the seeds soak in the cranberry juice in the fridge for a couple days.. (shaking periodically) and then filter it out and drink... sounds good, haven't tried it. I just took some lsa that i extracted via the polar and non polar method... me and my husband have done morning glories several times and found that when eating the seeds the feeling of fullness and nausea are enough to keep us away. when you extract it, even quickly... for example this time we only used the naphtha once... we get nauseous but it doesnt last. and it keeps us from the "poison trip" feeling. a good tip is to smoke some, if you eat the seeds. you probably won't feel like it, but it really combats the nausea to an exceptional degree. so, you smoke... you still puke but you don't feel as sick.


Well-Known Member
yes mariajuanita i too did the extraction with naptha, my girl got really sick and was throwing up, me i didnt get sick, i also didnt trip, in fact i ate like 3handfuls of just straight seeds, i felt like total shit and didnt trip, i mean i felt the body buzz as if i were frying my balls off, but i wasnt. i was pissed. i prolly wont fuck with these for a while, now that my shrooms are popping up!!!!


Active Member
i hear ya kassidy... i had diarrhea all day long... but i did get high as $@@t for around 6 hours... couldn't sleep and i was paranoid that if i went to bed i could've shit the bed.. seriously...


Active Member
what did you do? order one of those mushroom kits??? we want to get one of them so bad!!! do they work? is it worth it?


Active Member
sorry GIRL!!! it's all good. my husband did shit the bed. they really do some serious damage to the intestines boy!!!