<---Moron lol


Active Member
how do i know when it is time to moveinto a bigger pot? i can just see one root through the drain hole so im thinkin it might be a good idea. also the plant has seemed to stop growin i mean it still looks good anf healthey and the ph is 6.5 there is no yellow or curling leaves none of that. Also how deep should i plant her in the bigger one? Thnks for the help..


Well-Known Member
good rule of thumb is for every gallon the pot is....is a foot that ur plants can grow............:joint:


Well-Known Member
You should transplant quickly if you already see a root coming out one drain hole. That means the plant is rootbound, and this SEVERELY limits the plants ability to grow more. I had a plant that was rootbound in a one gallon container after 3 weeks and it literally stopped growing taller. I transplanted to a 5 gallon container and the thing took off!!! Also, the roots need lotsa room in their soil to draw nutrients and water from. Hope this helps. PEACE