Mosquito Dunks: how can they be used w/ soil?


Active Member
I have fungus gnats and my locate hardware store has mosquito dunks. I know Hydro users place these dunks in the their resoviors to kill the the gnats. Can they be used w/ soil? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about the mosquito dunks, but, you can spread a thin layer of sand on top of your soil, and it'll kill them off. Some say you need to use an inch, but I've used it, and found that as long as the soil is covered, it works great. They'll be gone in about 2 weeks. Also, find some kind of pesticide to spray around your drainage holes, or you'll have them, still living in them, eating at your roots. I wish I could suggest something specific, but the stuff I used, was some concoction that my buddy gave me, so I can't say what it was, exactly(back in the good ol'


Active Member
The sand is a solution. If you want to use chemicals, Gnatrol is the pesticide used for fungus gnats. It is the same thing that is impregnated in the mosquito dunks. You can also drench the soil with hydrogen peroxide mixed with water 1/2 tsp/gal rate.


Well-Known Member
Excellent info, but i have to ask....doesn't it kill beneficial microbes and bacteria, if you use H2O2 in soil? I could be wrong, but I thought I come across that bit of info, at one time or another, and had to ask. :)


Active Member
I want to get rid of this problem asap. I think I will buy the mosq. dunks and use them. It has the same bacteria in as the gnatrol only its in a time released tablet. I think if I cut it up and shake in a jug of water I can then just pour it over the soil and get the bacteria to working. My understanding is that the bacteria cause larvae to stop eating immediately and in about 10 to 14 days. I will spread perlite on the top soil to kill the adults. Since I cant use bug stips, I will place a bowl of beer in the grow room: the sweet smell attract the adults and the drown in it. I will also keep using the neem to provoke the adults to go to the beer trap and to also help in prevention. Thats four methods that should address the larvae, adults, and prevention.