most asshole thing you've done to someone


Well-Known Member
You ever have those moments where you think "holy shit, i could never do what i did then today"
Mostly its fun shit your glad you did but this.... i dunno, i cant say im "glad", but i laugh that somehow the situation was just right that we decided it was a good idea to do.


Well-Known Member
My neighbor pissed me off one winter by stealing my newspaper everyday for a week. I thought the newspaper kid was forgetting to deliver to my house. I even called the newspaper company on the phone and complained, I probably got the kid in trouble.
I got up early to see if the kid was delivering to my house, and he did. Not even 5 minutes later my neighbor went up to my mailbox and took it on his way to work.
That night I poured a gallon of egg nog down the outside vents of his car.
I eventually got my newspaper dilemma fixed, I cancelled my subscription.
The following summer I was talking to my asshole neighbor and he told me about the egg nog. He said all winter his car reaked of rotten eggs, and he said he can still smell a hint of it.


Well-Known Member
in highschool there was this guy with some terminal disease, and I boned his gf, that was pretty fucked up


Well-Known Member
My neighbor pissed me off one winter by stealing my newspaper everyday for a week. I thought the newspaper kid was forgetting to deliver to my house. I even called the newspaper company on the phone and complained, I probably got the kid in trouble.
I got up early to see if the kid was delivering to my house, and he did. Not even 5 minutes later my neighbor went up to my mailbox and took it on his way to work.
That night I poured a gallon of egg nog down the outside vents of his car.
I eventually got my newspaper dilemma fixed, I cancelled my subscription.
The following summer I was talking to my asshole neighbor and he told me about the egg nog. He said all winter his car reaked of rotten eggs, and he said he can still smell a hint of it.
thats awesome. you should have jizzed on the paper first or printed a fake obituary for his parents on the front page. that would have taught him

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
when i was in intermediate, i used to walk to school. so everyday i'd walk by myself. there was a kid who would follow me, a kid with no friends looking for one. when he saw me way ahead of him everyday walking to school, he'd run to catch up to me. so i did everything to avoid him. go to school later, or earlier, anyways he always just stood there waiting for me. the kid was really annoying too, wouldnt stop talking about stupid crap and he tried to come over my house and shit, trying to follow me around in my daily life. so finally, i told "hey man, stop following me around, stop waiting for me, i dont like you, you're annoying" or something similar. well he stopped and i felt real bad.
pretty mean thing to do, but i was like in 7th grade or something.


Well-Known Member
when i was in high school we would make fake lsd with blotter paper and raid...then we would go to the grateful dead show..roam the parking lot for about an hour..make a couple hundered and year we took some bee pollen capsules and passed them off as extacy(this was 15-16 years ago..not a whole lot of people new what real ex looked like at the time)...when we were at the parking lot we say some guy we knew and he was taging along with us...he saw me sell the fake e and asked if he could buy some..i said sure and sold him 2 for 35...he took both and about 30 mins later he started to swell up and passed out...turned out he had an allergic reaction to the bee pollen.....i was a real fucked up kid....i am constantly walking through life nowadays making appologies for shit ive done years ago..........

Mr Kush

Active Member
Haha, I'm loving this thread.

I haven't really been one to do mean or revengeful things to people as a mellow sort of person but there was this one guy in 11th grade who would try and ride on everyone's nuts because he was a poser and had no friends. This kid was suburban who thought he was ghetto and couldn't comit any crime if his life depended on it.

One week he came to school and he decided that it would be cool to pretend that he smoked weed. He started trying to fuck around in my group of friends because we hung out around the back of the school to cut class and blaze a couple of joints. We knew that he was going to come and try and bring his fake ass over so we rolled a joint ready for him. We didn't waste any weed on him because he wouldn't of been able to take that shit anyway - instead we rolled him up a fat pube joint.

That was the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life :mrgreen: Picture the biggest poser kid you can think of that went to your school been given a joint of pubic hair whilst pretending that he was right into that "weed" that we gave him. He smoked the whole thing too. A friend of mine said that he saw him in the bathroom puking his guts up afterwards, LOL.


Well-Known Member
gave someone salvia x40 for the first time hahahah

i was 14 and my friends were all 16 at the time was given a bowl thought it was weed but it was salvia it was middle of the night.iflipped out yellin at everyone soon as took the hit why they gave me that shit.felt like i was melting just wanted it to go away...anyywayssss i got revenge 2 years later i packed a bowl of salvia and gave it to the same friend who packed me the bowl only difference he was drinking and had 2.5 g off shrooms lolll what a trip it was for those who were sober

revenge is sweeeet
freshman year in college my roomate narced me out to the R.A., thankfully she didn't call the cops, but he definitely narced me out. So a year later I totalled his car, by pouring sugar down the tank.
Broke someone's leg on purpose and then spit in there face..... deserv'd it ;)

Got propz for that aswell :)

I thought this was supposed to be you made the 1st move not revenge umm ummm mmmm

in highschool there was this guy with some terminal disease, and I boned his gf, that was pretty fucked up
Wouldn't it be real shitty if you got the same illness from the bitch lol that would be fucked

O.K. so I have to preface this story with I got 2 brother and four homeboys who all think we are the worlds greatest practical jokers and the jokes often end up not being very funny sometimes more fucked up than funny but thats only the person who it got played on... So anyways check this out:

So my sister works @ a dentist office, one of my homeboys (of the 4 above mentioned guys) goes for a routine checkup so about 5 days later we send him a letter to his home saying he needed to call the office (which we used a cell number and recorded a fake message) saying he had a rare gum disease that is only contactable from eating pussy and now he's going to have his teeth fall out in less than 90 days. He curses out like every bitch he ever slept with demanding that the person who gave ti to him fess up... We kept this going for about 3 1/2 weeks you wanna talk about one sad sack of shit he was depressed as if someone had drowned his dog and I told everyone about it with-in 3 days so he's the only one out the loop Fuckin hilarious how he was all screwed up we actually fought after he fond out it was a joke but we still boys today just got a lil heated about the joke but man was it worth it...

P.S. Side bar these assholes had me convinced for about an hour and half that one of my brothers was dead so.... but that was well after the dentist thing


Well-Known Member
A coworker of mine claimed to have epilepsy, but didn't. She was always lying about the stupidest shit. Anyway, she was having a gathering at her place because her boyfriend was going out of town, and she didn't want to be alone for a weekend.
No one really liked her so no one was gonna show up at her place. Well me and my friend (who actually did have epilepsy) decided to play a joke on her. We showed up at her house and brought magic brownies, but didn't tell her. She had to have eaten three or four of them and ended up going to the hospital thinking something was wrong with her. Doctors did all sorts of test and couldn't find anything wrong with her, in till she got a blood test. Needless to say it came back positive for marijuana. She ended up getting in trouble at work because the boss herd about her being positive.
I felt sorta bad, but in the long run, she deserved it.
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Well-Known Member
mate was passed out at a party outside in a place he thought was safe when discovered his pants were carefully pulled down a condom was smeared with deep heat placed on a stick and stuck between his bum cheeks along with 10 bucks when he woke in the mornin his pants were down his ring was burnin and he had a condom and 10 bucks in his crack we didnt see him for a while.didnt tell real story for a while most upset and relieved at the same time when he found out.


Active Member
mate was passed out at a party outside in a place he thought was safe when discovered his pants were carefully pulled down a condom was smeared with deep heat placed on a stick and stuck between his bum cheeks along with 10 bucks when he woke in the mornin his pants were down his ring was burnin and he had a condom and 10 bucks in his crack we didnt see him for a while.didnt tell real story for a while most upset and relieved at the same time when he found out.
rofl, prob the best news he'll ever get


Well-Known Member
I hope it wasnt the same person who had to place the condom and give up the money.

Thats the shitty end of the stick

Get it:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I aim to be a nice person well rounded enough to get along with anybody. I feel I owe thanks to Cannabis for letting me become this way.

Although I am no pansy and can hold my own I hate hearing about people getting hurt, even though I will laugh at the situation without hesitation if it permits! :P

Amen... I'm pretty much the same way. When i'm stoned and people fight with me I fail to see the logic in what they say. So I just say "I fail to see your logic"


Well-Known Member
Amen... I'm pretty much the same way. When i'm stoned and people fight with me I fail to see the logic in what they say. So I just say "I fail to see your logic"
everybodys had their asshole moments, i dont care who it is


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, i'm not saying I haven't been an asshole, i'm just saying i'm usually not. I remember in middle school I got in a fight with some asshole who was touching my girl. so i kicked his ass.


Active Member
it was the middle of the night at a campground and i had to piss. i decided to piss on the camp fire. the wind blew the badly smelling of burnt piss smoke directly at another tent.


Well-Known Member
it was the middle of the night at a campground and i had to piss. i decided to piss on the camp fire. the wind blew the badly smelling of burnt piss smoke directly at another tent.

my buddy pissed on sauna rocks one time.

worst smell in the world:spew: