MOST Australians would support clinical trials of cannabis for medical use, a survey


Well-Known Member
MOST Australians would support clinical trials of cannabis for medical use, a survey has found.

More than 23,000 people over the age of 12 were quizzed about their personal use and attitudes to drugs for the 2007 National Drug Strategy Household Survey by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Almost 50 per cent of respondents said they would support regulated heroin injecting rooms.

The nationwide survey found 70 per cent supported legalising cannabis for medical reasons, while approval of clinical trials for cannabis approached 75 per cent. Most people also looked favourably on needle and syringe programs, which were supported by more than 65 per cent.

When it came to tobacco, there was firm support across the board for bans on smoking in workplaces, pubs and clubs. More than 80 per cent wanted smoking banned in the workplace, with Canberrans most strongly in favour at close to 85 per cent. More than 75 per cent of respondents wanted smoking banned from pubs and clubs.

On alcohol, 80 per cent of Australians also wanted tougher bans on drink driving, but there was far less support for tax hikes, such as Labor's alcopops tax rise before the Senate. Less than a quarter of respondents supported a hike on alcohol prices. But about 40 per cent would support a hike if the funding was used for drinking education programs.

Respondents over the age of 14 were also asked about personal drug use. About 20 per cent of males and 15 per cent of females had used marijuana in the 12 months before the survey.


Active Member
this isn't surprising at all ... i'm embarrassed by our drinking culture .. so much for being a smart country .. rudd won't change much in a hurry .. altho being a nambour boy he might have smoked some qld bush - fingers crossed


Active Member
smoking has been banned in pubs and clubs for awhile now, my local has a 6 foot high fenced off area away from everyone else.....can see in cant see out. And about how the majority supports legalization or de-criminalization, its been around that mark for the 5 years and not one thing has been said or done about it. Count yourself lucky you have norml......even new zealand has norml...on some canna sites talking norml gets your thread/posts deleted cause they take our money but do nothing in return. Spose if we wait till you blokes get more states medicenal we will no doubt follow....since for some reason our pollies are followers and not leaders (gutless swine). I've come to believe we live in a communist country of sorts thats diguised as a republic. perfect case in point, the majority wants legal/decrimed weed to put the money saved from cops,state lawyers,cops, courts and cops......did i mention cops and the fed cops?...yea , cool but yea not one peep is said everytime we vote for the laws to change when its federal election time last i heard 87% or so of voting age people want it legal....makes me sick i voted for rudd the arsehole. Fuckin reccesion and he's spending money (18-30 million) on anti drug adds, weed has been classed with ice and speed....again. damn i'm getting pissed and now i'm rambling...sorry


And planetfonz your right man about our society being fucked with our booze mentality. Shame on all of us for being too laid back and not speaking up against our governments mentality.


Active Member
thats it hey stokes .. i voted for rudd as well, didn't really regret it until he handed out 900 bucks to every prick in the country.. and as my 'other' drug days are over he can do what he wants with the hard stuff. but the fact i could do time for growing a beautiful plant in my garden, that really boils my potaters


Active Member
thats it hey stokes .. i voted for rudd as well, didn't really regret it until he handed out 900 bucks to every prick in the country.. and as my 'other' drug days are over he can do what he wants with the hard stuff. but the fact i could do time for growing a beautiful plant in my garden, that really boils my potaters

I actually got $1400 (disability stimulas payment) and all i could think was "what the fuck is this guys problem" i actually thought i would be happy, but all i could think about was a little dingy with an aussie flag and a bunch of drunks trying to bail out the water with their empty tinnies.

I wasnt happy untill i used the money to support my local hydroponics shop and almost spent the lot on a sweetarse setup, damn cycle timers are expensive :D got everything i need just gotta go back up north to some mates for some high grade seeds that they ordered for me ( non-growers) and then i'll spark the bastard up. Oh and about our gov wasting money Rudd just announced were about to go into military builup mode, doubling our submarine fleet and adding in a few warships and also buying a few of those new F-22's for a asians threat in the next 5-10 years.....:shock: no shit he actually said that "asian threat" lmao


Well-Known Member
damn i guess the government is bad everywhere

yet they talk about a global new world order?

yea right...seems to me enough people are frustrated from ALL over the world....seems like we'd revolt. they dont have enough of them to hold all of us down in different countries worldwide


Active Member
I actually got $1400 (disability stimulas payment) and all i could think was "what the fuck is this guys problem" i actually thought i would be happy, but all i could think about was a little dingy with an aussie flag and a bunch of drunks trying to bail out the water with their empty tinnies.

I wasnt happy untill i used the money to support my local hydroponics shop and almost spent the lot on a sweetarse setup, damn cycle timers are expensive :D got everything i need just gotta go back up north to some mates for some high grade seeds that they ordered for me ( non-growers) and then i'll spark the bastard up. Oh and about our gov wasting money Rudd just announced were about to go into military builup mode, doubling our submarine fleet and adding in a few warships and also buying a few of those new F-22's for a asians threat in the next 5-10 years.....:shock: no shit he actually said that "asian threat" lmao
he seriously said asian threat? ahh we return to the days of the yellow peril... shame australia, shame.. i really like our military. it has good morals. unfortunately i dislike immensely our being ' america's gurhkas' as this isnt a good thing at all. we are currently paying hard cash to train other countries troops, buying ex US equipment thats deemed unsuitable for them, like old m1a1 abram MBT's when we do not even have the means or need to use a tank. the old collins class subs are going and will be replaced with new ones even tho our navy can't fill the crews of the 10 subs we have. grrr could go on forever.

and Loudblunts: name a time and place fore the revolt and i'm there with bells on ;D