Most efficient time to Flower


Active Member
I know that the grower has the controll on when to start the flowering but when seems the most efficient time, how big should the plants be?


Active Member
How much would that yeild, if they are healthy under 400hps, i have two gold train wreck, two purple nepal and one mendo maddness. I know that is kind of hard to estimate from just any kind of rough estimate. Thanks for any help


New Member
I know that the grower has the controll on when to start the flowering but when seems the most efficient time, how big should the plants be?
If from seed then you should give at least a six week veg' to get the best out of your plants. Preferrably 8 weeks. If from clones you can flower whenever you like.


Well-Known Member
And you replied to a thread that's more than 1 1/2 years old. Who's the newb now?

Which proves I really am a stoner and really am smokin sum kikass herb !!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!! K ?? I would show u guys how to really grow sum weed but does kernel sanders give out his recipes. hell noooo !! So nethir shall I . My butt itches and Im stoned again.


Well-Known Member
Most efficient time to flower by the way is when u get an alternating node, if u flower to early u may stress plant into male if you are growing from seed. Does that answer ur question. Unless u r growin in a 12 in space flower at 2 inches lmao or are dead righ now !!!Peace.