most efficient way to start boomers


Well-Known Member
from what i've been learning on here. if you want more bang for you buck the first time; the best way is to start out with a spore print? finish one cycle and make spore prints of existing fruits. then use the print and sterilize some syringes for your next and multiple batches? any other suggestions for being most efficient? I'm thinkin about going monotub


Well-Known Member
or grain to grain tranfers.

the easiest way is to buy a spore print or syringe(unless you know someone who grow them already and they will give/make you a liquid culture) germ them in some jars with he grain of your choice, fruit some, use the others to do grain to grain tranfers. to increase you jar count then as you fruit more collect spores and make prints or syringes or liquid cultures to continue. honestly once you get started it pretty easy to keep it going so long as everything is kept nice and clean. another thing to point out is its hard to create a cycle like with weed, since mycelium will progress as fast as it can often your new mycelium will be ready to fruit before your mushrooms on the first one you fruited are done being produced.


Well-Known Member
Unless you are willing to work with cultures, spore prints aren't the way to go - liquid is, but I don't see why anyone would go anywhere else than spore syringes.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the info guys. good stuff. i was planning on making my own syringes from a spore print. and continue making prints through future fruits. very good and interesting points poly. i'm very familiar with ganj. im starting to get the hang of the spores, i'm very interested in them.


Well-Known Member
if i knew anyone with fresh fruits i would definitely be getting at them. i was thinking about getting one of those "mushrooms grow bags" they sell in michigan in stores and using the yield i got to make my own prints and for further innoculation.


Well-Known Member
still learning all the different ways to do it! that method seems pretty great and straight forward. obviously with the proper cleanliness. you're full of good ideas canndo! thanks