Most Memorable Trip?


Well-Known Member
Probably a repost but i dont feel like scrolling through... Anyone have a memorable trip worth telling .

My most memorable may sound out there but i promise it is accurate.

So a few years ago, my family( parents, twin brother, older brother) and i went to Cancun on vacation. Being the dumbass i was at the time, i decided to bring along a quarter Oz of fun guys along for the plane ride, hidden within my shampoo bottle. I didnt tell my brothers about my smuggled goods until we had reached our resort. My twin was pumped about it but my older brother, the grown up, called me a dumb ass blah blah blah when he found out. Needless to say, a coulple hours later, grown up brother wanted to get in on the tripping action. So we broke up the mush, eyed out the split, and down the hatch they went.
Being from PA, we definately were not used to the enviroment we had just opened ourselves up to. We decided to go swimming, which was tight...nice and warm. After drying off, we headed to the beach and all proceeded to sink into the resort's beach lounge chairs. The next couple hours was spent watching the clouds slowly pass by the incredibly BRIGHT moon. Honestly, i dont think i have ever seen the moon as big as it was during this trip.
When i eventually had a moment of organized thought, i noticed that i was missing a brother. The remaining brother and myself started walking down the beach to look for MIA bro. We eventually find him, observing one of the coolest things i have seen. A group of ten or so Sea turtles crawled their bodies up the beach and were currently digging holes and laying eggs! i kid you not. There were enviromentalists there with lights waiting for the turtles to finish their business, then they would dig up the eggs and collect them to help conserve the species. I think a hurricane the previous summer had really helped hurt the species numbers.
I have had a few memorable trips at Bonnaroo and such, but this experience was definately heads above the others.

Sorry if you guys thought this was a bore,:sleep: anyone else got a good one?
My most memorable trip?

Kings Cross in Austrailia, great surfing, great food, great beer, and better weed!!

In Berkley, CA. had dinner at some bar place and when we left we were walking across the street to our car and a guy in a wheelchair was coming the other way and promptly got his ass beat by the duck walking in front of us. Still cracks me up today..


Well-Known Member
First time trip on mushroom chocolates at Bonnaroo this summer ::smile:: It was sooooo much fun and a pretty amazing trip. The ferris wheel looked unreal and the environment was really relaxed so it made for a good trip. sat by the fence and felt like i was melting, listening to yeasayer, then wandering around trying to get back to watch MGMT but getting distracted by everything. We eventually made it back towards the end of their set but still had a great time.


Active Member
My most memorable trip was the first time i took acid a few years back. I took 3 hits of apparently some pretty good stuff my friend took 2. We started out in the woods on a cool summer day playin our guitars till i broke a string, we then retreated back to his house to listen to music. After a while of sitting on his front porch we decided to go back to the woods, but wanted to bring the music with us, i pick up the radio and start walking, it unplugged from the wall. A sober friend picks us up to go get some pizza, I try to flirt with one of the girls at the pizza place but i am immediately stopped by my melting face, and lack of ability to formulate comprehensive words. It was a beautiful experience and it lasted ALL day from late morning to sometime early the next morning, the heavy visuals ended somewhere around midnight.

Best day of my life :-P
always a good idea at the beach! the moon looks like 10xbigger. my best trip is a draw beteen this time i ate a 58 gram cap and i saw a tiki god in the stars, then me and a friend sat for hours in silence with the ipod going. and the first time i tripped i drank shroom tea and watched transformers 2 in theaters, i thought the movie was real, and i got so into that i had to take a joint break to chill out some of the (anxiety).?spelled right?
i think im going to invest in a cigarette holder tomorrow. its one of those things ive always wanted but never had the motivation to get.