most memorable trip.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering what sum of the best experiences ever had on hallucinogens. and what combos worked the best for what experiences. trip on


Well-Known Member
For me, it's a toss-up between my peyote and WoW experiences. Four 15 year old 'yotes combined with an unknown amount of peruvian torch powder. I say unknown because I failed to heed the warnings of not attempting to tea cactus powder. Utterly impossible. So I ended up with about half a gallon from 100g of gooey gloppy slimey snot which I continued to to shoot down ounce by ounce. I'd say I got about half way through until I couldn't take it anymore, all the while moving through another astral plane ;) As I think I've mentioned before though, my subsequent trip with San Pedro alone differed very greatly. That peyote was some very potent hard grown beauties.

Sorry MB, I'd get into the specifics of the trip, but I don't have four hours to spare ;) Like I did with the Fluff report..


Well-Known Member
i was wondering what sum of the best experiences ever had on hallucinogens. and what combos worked the best for what experiences. trip on
My single most enjoyable experiences was off two pure rolls, my first memorable experience was the first time I did shrooms. The times I did lsd was weak,but the buzz was my favorite just not strong enough. Im getting some very good lsd thursday and im pretty sure lsd will be my drug of choice.


I've got two that vie for most memorable trip.... the first was my first REAL acid experience. I was about 14, and was at jazzfest in NoLa... bought two hits of liquid off of a hairy-legged hippy girl, and her boyfriend who had no problem staring up at the mid-day, summer louisiana sun, so I figured it was legit :) About an hour after dropping, I couldnt figure out why the hell I could not get this huge shit-eating grin off of my face.... eventually, a friend that was with me asked all excited, "Dude!! Are you trippin??", and then I remembered that I had taken drugs :) I don't have much words these days for the rest of my experience, but the thing that stands out is at one point, it was like I had a bird's eye view, and was watching myself walk around this huge outdoor concert. Changed my views on drugs for sure.

The second most memorable, I ate a ridiculous amount of acid with an old flame back in highschool, aiming to get laid.... Goal reached, but afterward, which was right when the trip was actually kicking in good and whoopin my ass, I hit this weird, self-reflective point that I've never had that early into a trip, and I realized that she was the one for me.... we've been together since then, and married with two lovely kids for the past four years. I cant think about tripping without looking back on that experience.


Well-Known Member
I've got two that vie for most memorable trip.... the first was my first REAL acid experience. I was about 14, and was at jazzfest in NoLa... bought two hits of liquid off of a hairy-legged hippy girl, and her boyfriend who had no problem staring up at the mid-day, summer louisiana sun, so I figured it was legit :) About an hour after dropping, I couldnt figure out why the hell I could not get this huge shit-eating grin off of my face.... eventually, a friend that was with me asked all excited, "Dude!! Are you trippin??", and then I remembered that I had taken drugs :) I don't have much words these days for the rest of my experience, but the thing that stands out is at one point, it was like I had a bird's eye view, and was watching myself walk around this huge outdoor concert. Changed my views on drugs for sure.

The second most memorable, I ate a ridiculous amount of acid with an old flame back in highschool, aiming to get laid.... Goal reached, but afterward, which was right when the trip was actually kicking in good and whoopin my ass, I hit this weird, self-reflective point that I've never had that early into a trip, and I realized that she was the one for me.... we've been together since then, and married with two lovely kids for the past four years. I cant think about tripping without looking back on that experience.
thats awesome man


Well-Known Member
hells yea. it really awesome to see that LSD is still bringing people together after all these years. thats an awesome story for the grandkids too.


Active Member
Best combos or me have been

MDMA + Shrooms
MDMA + 2ce

Havent even mixed cid with mdma yet.. but will next week :D Im sure its gonna be saweet :D


Well-Known Member
Most memorable trip for me would be extremely hard to differentiate. My past trips have kind of become a cumulative memory of good times and self realizations. I'll try to pick one out of the clutter and post later.


Active Member
Yeah its well hard trying to explain a trip I personally find.. but some people can remember and write trip reports so well... good reads :)


Well-Known Member
alright not most memorable but probably more entertaining to read about heres a trip from my childhood
In highschool some generous friends gave me some shroom tea, me and a few other friends decided to ingest it and walk from my neighborhood through the woods to a near by park were there was suposed to be a fight, we stopped off at the park in my neighborhood to smoke a few bowls before the trek, they shrooms began to kick in and we began our "1 hour" hike to the park in the next hood, the sun shown down through the giant pine trees like beams of intense colors dancing in your peripheral vision. vines crawl across the pathway just ahead. nearly "3 hours" later we made it out of the woods and to the park were the fight was suposed to be.... no one was there but two girls so we began to approach them, just then a cop rolled up lights flashing and called us over, he had a very thick accent and his face was slightly changing to shades of pink and orange and back to normal, He was there because a student or parent called about the fight, he stopped because we matched the discription of the "gang" of kids said to be on one side of the fight. we conversed with the policeman as if he was one of out best friends joking and laughing and he realized we were not going to fight any one exspecially two highschool girls, we joke about prostituting the girls out to the cop and he just laughed it off thinking we were just normal teens acting perfectly normal.


Well-Known Member
Im rying to think of most momorable. I tripped so many time though, these days it always kinda blurs together... anyway I am always drawn to my first time.

The first time I did acid, I wasnt very experienced with drugs at all. In fact though I had smoked ppot a couple dozen times, I hadnt actually been high yet. ( I was swallowing more smoke than I was inhaling)

Anyway I was at my second class of the day at like 9 in the morning, and the teacher left he room. The kid if front of me started offering acid to anyone that wanted to buy it for $7 a hit. (with in a month of this experience i wouldnt pay more than $3 per hit, but I didnt know an better) It was the normal slang of the day with all sorts of false descriptors. This stuff was called Jerry Garcia double dipped. I looked at these little pieces of paper, puffed out my chest and said, "Im a big guy, you better give me four" So I popped all four and nothing happened. He told me it would take a little while. So that class ended and I went throug my next class and still didnt feel different, I certainly wasnt seeing elves or dragons or anything. so between classes I hunted the guy down and started yelling at him, that he ripped me off and I needed my money back. He just laughed iin my face and said, "you aught to see your eyes" and walked off.

anyway in my next class, we got the weekley achool paper. For some reason I found myself smiling ALOT. So much it kinda hurt my face. I lad my head on the paper, and when I picked it back up, the girl in front of me said, "you have words all over your face." I said, BS let me see a mirror. When I saw my face with the words on it, I lost it. It was the funniest thing i had ever seen. I couldnt stop laughing.

After that class was lunch. On the way to lunch I gave away about 20 heavy metal cds to random people in the hall. I still dont know where I got those cds in the first place lol. Anyway I got to lunch ad went to sit with my buddy hector. I was still laughing incontrollably, and by now i was getting the clenches. No one warned me about this, Anyway in fits of laughter, I shit my pants! I went t the restroom and tossed the undies. (i still wonder to this day if that was a pair my mom had my name in) and when I finally got done in there it was like 20 minutes late for the next class. The security guard stopped me in the hall and asked why i was out of class. I told him I shit my pants, and he said I was a liar. Anyway somehow I talked my wy out of any trouble and got to class. When I got to class people were asking about stepping in dog shit.

It sucked Because I had a brown stain on my pants and smelled for two more classes. The last class of the day was band. I played tuba and we were all stoners and always goofing off in the back. Anyway during a song I started yelling at one of the other players. The music stopped and there I am yelling something about a motherfucker.... Once again, somhow I didnt get in any trouble lol...

Anyway thats my most memorable, the ups and downs.. and a intense as it was the drug was great enough that I did it hundreds of times again before It disappeared.


Well-Known Member
I've got two that vie for most memorable trip.... the first was my first REAL acid experience. I was about 14, and was at jazzfest in NoLa... bought two hits of liquid off of a hairy-legged hippy girl, and her boyfriend who had no problem staring up at the mid-day, summer louisiana sun, so I figured it was legit :) About an hour after dropping, I couldnt figure out why the hell I could not get this huge shit-eating grin off of my face.... eventually, a friend that was with me asked all excited, "Dude!! Are you trippin??", and then I remembered that I had taken drugs :) I don't have much words these days for the rest of my experience, but the thing that stands out is at one point, it was like I had a bird's eye view, and was watching myself walk around this huge outdoor concert. Changed my views on drugs for sure.

The second most memorable, I ate a ridiculous amount of acid with an old flame back in highschool, aiming to get laid.... Goal reached, but afterward, which was right when the trip was actually kicking in good and whoopin my ass, I hit this weird, self-reflective point that I've never had that early into a trip, and I realized that she was the one for me.... we've been together since then, and married with two lovely kids for the past four years. I cant think about tripping without looking back on that experience.
Now that all you fellow RIU-er's is a: Chemical Romance :)


Well-Known Member
one time I took something that was on blotter (assumed acid from unreliable sorce), the trip was good. I was drunk before I took it so the come on was masked by quite abit of whiskey. any ways around the 12 hour mark I decided to lay down in the other room anticipating the end of my fun, some other people were still partying in the living room listening to music and as I layed down and when I closed my eyes I was entertained with a brilliant light show in correlation with the music from the other room.

After about 20 minutes I realized that the trip was not wearing off and I was not going to be able to sleep with my eyes closed any better than I would with them open, the trip lasted around 25 hours total the last three or four hours being barely able to feel it but still not quite right. it was very intense because after it wasn't ending I had to deal with thoughts that I was going to have to learn how to live life in that state and feel like that forever.

what drug trip would be that long, fit on blotter, and give very strong closed eye visuals?

that would be the most memorable trip for me simply because of the length of it and feelings I had


Well-Known Member
one time I took something that was on blotter (assumed acid from unreliable sorce), the trip was good. I was drunk before I took it so the come on was masked by quite abit of whiskey. any ways around the 12 hour mark I decided to lay down in the other room anticipating the end of my fun, some other people were still partying in the living room listening to music and as I layed down and when I closed my eyes I was entertained with a brilliant light show in correlation with the music from the other room.

After about 20 minutes I realized that the trip was not wearing off and I was not going to be able to sleep with my eyes closed any better than I would with them open, the trip lasted around 25 hours total the last three or four hours being barely able to feel it but still not quite right. it was very intense because after it wasn't ending I had to deal with thoughts that I was going to have to learn how to live life in that state and feel like that forever.

what drug trip would be that long, fit on blotter, and give very strong closed eye visuals?

that would be the most memorable trip for me simply because of the length of it and feelings I had
Hmm... the most memorable trip is the one that dug a hole in your head huh! Can't forget about some alien substance that invading you for the whole entire day. The blotter could of contain a few things... it all depends on your location and what year you took it. If it took a considerable amount of time to take effect of might of been a DOX compound... as some of the them like DON which will kick you in the ass with no form of forgivance! Or it could of been the notorious STP... but that was a raging stimulant psychedelic in the late 60's and 70's which backlashed after some tell signs of LSD impurification!


Well-Known Member
I just remeber it most vividly, not really very fondly, it could have taken awhile to come on as I was very drunk when I took it.